Was fraud committed in the presidential election?

2020-12-29 12:05 pm

Why don't you think it was rigged. There is mass evidence of fraud in Arizona, Michigan and Georgia, where have you been? People in those states are fed up.


At keith so you beleive everything the new york times tells you. I don't care what corrupt politicians tell me, i care what sworn affidavits by citizens and video cameras tell me and the overwhelming answer is yes.

回答 (21)

2020-12-29 1:20 pm
Yes, by a few Republicans who fraudulently voted for Trump.
2020-12-30 4:18 pm
Yes, most likely by Trump himself, who attempted voter suppression, and still lost. 
2020-12-30 5:49 am
Yes, Republicans tried to keep everyone else from voting.
2020-12-29 12:24 pm
Yeah.  About three times.
All by Trump voters.
2020-12-29 12:07 pm
There’s no evidence of fraud.

If you look at the cases filed by Trump’s lawyers - they don’t claim fraud either.

ETA - Poor Vencedar1.  Affidavits are not evidence - it’s little more then gossip.  Someone who is as bias as you saying what they think or feel happened.  They attributed evil motivation to basic election procedures and human error.  That’s all.  And edited video doesn’t tell the whole story either.  

Sweetie you don’t have evidence all you have is confirmation bias.  You’re so caught up in your little bubble that you can’t or won’t evaluate information.  Instead you accept what confirms your belief and deny anything that doesn’t.

Courts and judges actually evaluate information and they clearly tell us that there is no massive voter fraud.

You can believe what you want - but that’s all it is a belief taken on faith.  Like a religion.  (Which is part of the reason Trump supporters are often viewed as a cult.)

That you believe it doesn’t make it true.
2020-12-30 12:06 am
According to Trump, if just one ballot was found as a fraud, then the whole election should be voided and he should automatically stays in for the next 4 years unless the fraudulent votes were for him, then they were to be dismissed.
2020-12-30 12:55 am
Trump disbanded his "voter fraud" committee in 2017 when Kobach began reporting isolated cases of people who voted for trump twice. It may or may not be fraud because that needs to be proven intentional. Are you following this so far? ... lol  ... (cuz if you were bright enough, you wouldn't be asking).
The DHS said 2020 was the most secure election in US history. The source of the discrepancy comes trump who has been proven countless times to be chroniclly disconnected f/ truth/accuracy. And you've been told of this countless times but your learning disorder is counterproductive.
Trump claimed widespread voter fraud (w/o ample proof) before a vote was cast because it presents a win/win situation for him. He can delegitimize election results when he doesn't get enough votes.
Biden will soon be the next president and no amount of your wishful thinking will change this. You will be forever remembered as a loser who voted for the loser trump.
The solution to your problem lies within. I pray to welcome you back to the fold when/if you come to your senses.
2020-12-29 2:36 pm
If fraud was comitted in the states Biden won then so were they fraud in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and a load of other states Trump supposedly won. Two can play that game. And sworn affidavits aren't considered to be evidence which is why the courts don't recognize them. Besides, Trump supporters are crazy enough to die for him. So they certainly have no problem going in prison for perjury in the name of their Lord Trump.
2020-12-29 12:36 pm
Yes, there were many cases of fraud in the presidential election. Some were even on video. 
2020-12-29 12:30 pm
According to every court, every state's attorney General, and every polling official, no.
2020-12-29 12:06 pm
Hey, Rip, it sure looks like it!
2020-12-30 9:33 pm
NO, there was not 'fraud' of any quantifiable amount committed in the presidential election.  The real fraud occurred in the previous four years through lies and deception in attempts to swing the votes, which is what it did.  
2020-12-29 10:47 pm
Yes fraud was committed.  Based on historic studies, you expect some fraud in every election.  In all probability, the total fraud nationwide was less than 5,000 votes.  We already have some proven cases of fraud by Trump voters.  

I don't think there was massive fraud because:  1) even Trump's own attorneys have disavowed that evidence of fraud; 2) every piece of alleged evidence has been debunked; 3) Arizona and Georgia did either full or partial hand counts which verified the accuracy of the machine counts; and 4) every court that has heard these complaints have rejected them with many of the judges rejecting the claims being Republican judges (with some of them even being Trump appointees). 

Dakota.  They are having a run-off for Senate because of Georgia law.  Under Georgia law, you need an absolute majority for winning a Senate seat.  (Additionally one of the two Senate seat was a special election.  Under Georgia law, there are no party primaries for a special election.  Instead, all of the candidates run in the general election which means that each party's vote is split between multiple candidates.  The leading candidate in the special election only got 33% of the vote.)  On the other hand, you only need a plurality for the presidential election. Thus Biden won Georgia with 49% of the vote.  If you look at the results of the general election for Senate, Biden got maybe 1.6% more of the votes than the Democratic Senate candidates (combining all of the votes for Democrats in the special election).  That gap is actually historically small and is even small compared to some other states. (In contrast, in Alabama, Biden did about 3% worse than the Democratic Senate candidate.  In Maine, Biden did 12% better than the Democratic Senate candidate.)  There are still some split ticket voters even though that number seems to get smaller every election cycle.  

As to Dominion, cease and desist letters are not unusual.  Trump issues them all of the time.  It is a typical warning shot before the libel suit (which Dominion is also filing).  To win a libel suit, you need to prove that the defendant knowingly lied so it is only filed if you think you have that proof.  The fact that Dominion has filed a libel suit should tell you something about the evidence.
2020-12-29 12:15 pm
The Election wasn't rigged - the Perception was rigged 

United We Stand
2021-01-01 9:14 am
Dave, sworn affidavits are evidence.  How do you think they convict rapists?

Yes, there was voter fraud.  For one, the machines were supposed to be guaranteed not to be hackable or contain wifi.
Proof that the machines can be hacked.
2021-01-01 7:23 am
Yes! The Criminals in DC do not want to look in to it because they and a lot of the Friends will be (Should be) Jailed !

Is all we'd have to do is do a Certified Re Election in the Contested States, and all of America can see Who is the CRIMINALS/TRAITORS and who is fighting for the Voters of America to have their Vote counted !!!

Ask yourself Why wouldn't the DEM's do that at the Beginning to Prove who TRULY won?
2020-12-31 7:45 pm
Of course it was.  Everyone knows it but the commie dems are laughing because they got away with it.
2020-12-31 3:00 am
so far there have been 3 proven cases involving 4 votes, all for Trump
Other than that there was no fraud 
Actually the video from security cameras disproved the cell phone videos that claimed to show fraud
And not 1 affidavit claims actual fraud just suspicious activity
2020-12-30 1:34 pm
Can Joe Biden only answer a question with a teleprompter?  Obviously a resounding YES!
2020-12-30 8:18 am
Ironic how I have not heard ANY concern about voter fraud from a Democrat.
If they were honest, I would expect they would be demanding a full investigation.
I would suppose the thumbs down are coming from those OK with cheating.
2020-12-29 8:45 pm
Two things to consider here. The State of Georgia went for Biden, but they are having Two Run Off Elections to fill Two Senate Seats. Why is that happening since Biden Won Georgia. Those two Senate Seats should be Democrat Controlled if Biden Won Georgia. The second is Dominion Voting Machines. Why are they issuing Cease and Desist Orders if they have Nothing to Hide. A possible massive cover-up could be happening here and no one on the Left Cares.

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