can a new president change who is in the seante when he becomes president?

2020-12-28 5:40 pm

回答 (8)

2020-12-28 6:18 pm
I hope you're not an American...if you are, go to school.
2020-12-28 6:02 pm
No they can not the membership of the Senate is decided by voting in an election.
he only exception is when a member resigns or dies then the governor can appoint a temporary replacement until a new election can be held.
2020-12-28 5:57 pm
Of course not ......
2020-12-28 5:51 pm
The Senate and the House of Representatives are chosen by the voters in their districts, not the president.
2020-12-28 5:42 pm
Yeah, those Senate elections are only for shites and giggles. 
2020-12-28 6:21 pm
The VP can be the tiebreaker. 
2020-12-28 6:01 pm
NO - voters choose Seniors and Representatives!(Then again who knows - according to Trumpers, Trump lost due to a rigged election - if POTUS can be rigged [even though it was not] so can Seniors and Representatives)
2020-12-28 10:54 pm
No, he cannot.

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