CHRISTIAN PARENTS - how do you teach your children the Lord's Prayer and its meaning?

2020-12-27 12:23 am
I remember struggling with it as a child. I was told it was the Lord's Prayer and was very important when I was about 5, but did not have its meanings properly explained and I was into my teens before I could understand some of it, as it does use language not in general use.

回答 (13)

2020-12-27 1:20 am
@. Not no  Mrh-slos, you must know that true Christians teach their children to pray, even as children.
Prayers are not a recitation, and a litany, as some religions use to do, the prayer must be spontaneous, and according to one's needs, addressed to God!
Therefore, our father is not always recited, even if it was taught by the Lord Jesus Christ, I repeat to say, prayers must be done about what we need, both spiritual and material.
We will get what we ask of God, if the prayers are done with full conviction that God will do, what we ask of him. Otherwise, we continue to pray until God answers!
2020-12-27 12:42 am
Memorization, which is repetition, repetition, repetition. And when they are old enough, teach them both versions of it from Matthew and Luke, and draw from them the "pattern" for prayer which the Lord Himself uses when He prayed to the Father. 
2020-12-27 3:13 am
Don't try to do it in one sitting. First talk about God being our Father, and living in Heaven. That's enough for one day.  Then, another day, explain what "hallowed" means. And so on.
2020-12-27 12:29 am
The Bible is not a book for little children. Christian parents need to know what it takes to become a Christian, so if they're into sprinkling babies with water, suppos-ing that does the trick, they are hardly going to be able to show them how they must come to saving faith in Christ before they can be called 'Christian'. But if they are Christians, they show by loving example and relating episodes in Jesus' life and miracles just how lovely their Savior is. The Lord's Prayer is not to be recited by rote. It gives principles as to HOW to pray, what to prioritize (the honor of God's name coming first, and His kingdom expanding.) Five-year-olds cannot grasp such concepts but they CAN come to love Jesus.
2020-12-27 5:47 am
Note the seven petitions contained therein and explain the meaning of those.
2020-12-27 1:03 am
Deuteronomy 6:7 
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
2020-12-27 11:24 am
Always on age appropriate bases. 
2020-12-27 12:49 am
Why do they put the children in another play room (I helped once,) where they can not hear the word of God and Jesus words being taught They can understand learning because they even go to school and understand teachers
2020-12-27 12:35 am
The Lord's prayer is an example of prayer. This may be of some help:
2020-12-27 12:27 am
Maybe your parents weren't good teachers.  My kids didn't have any trouble with it.
2020-12-28 12:42 am
THE OUR FATHER teach us who our FATHER IS, to forgive ,to give thanks ,to have faith that we will be taken out of the world from witch is to come and of HIS KINGDOM that is to be. 
2020-12-27 3:51 am
Jesus gave us a '' model '' prayer, showing what our priorities should be such as the sanctifcation of God's name; much reproach has been heaped on his name by Satan, also by humans who accuse him of causing many harmful things or doing nothing to stop them or by worshipers wrongdoing. Our good conduct can help to bring him praise. There's material available on ''how to pray,'' are all prayers acceptable'' ETC, just make use of the search box, all resources are free to all and available in many languages; you can use the information online and or download as required, there's also an online Bible study one can use or a home Bible study can be requested currently subject to covid restrictions, it might be done by phone or other means.
2020-12-27 1:53 am
"After this manner therefore pray ye: 

Our Father which art in heaven

 Hallowed be thy name [Revelation 4:11]. 

Thy Kingdom come [Matthew 16:28], 

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven [Matthew 18:18]. 

Give us this day our daily bread [John 6:35]. 

And forgive us our debts [Psalm 103:12; Jeremiah 31:34], 

as we forgive our debtors [Matthew 5:23-26; 6:14-15]. 

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil [I Corinthians 10:13]: 

For thine is the Kingdom [Matthew 16:28], 

and the power [Acts 1:5;8; Jeremiah 51:15], 

and the glory [Acts 1:2], for ever. Amen" (Matthew 6:9-13).

It's a fulfilled prayer

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