Can there ever be a tie(For Gold) in the Olympics? Can there ever be two Gold Medalists from the same country?

2020-12-25 8:11 am

回答 (3)

2020-12-26 8:16 am
Ties can and do happen sometimes. When there's a tie for gold they award both a gold and no silver medal is awarded. It's happened at least 29 times in the Summer Olympics alone and two of those times there was a three way tie for gold. It's happened 9 times in the Winter Olympics.
2020-12-25 8:17 am
There have been ties in the Olympics:,for%20silve%20...%20%209%20more%20rows%20
There is no limit to how many gold medals a single country can win. There is even a list that shows how many medals countries have one. Often it goes with bragging rights.,%20%20847%20%2046%20more%20rows%20
There are records by year also, if you have interest in a specific year feel free to look it up.
2020-12-25 8:45 am
If there is a tie, the participants will have a fistfight to determine the overall winner.  This is called a tie-breaker, but in certain cases it has been a face-breaker.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:07:59
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