Why are trolls (E.G., SHOESHOPPER!) allowed to continue posting idiotic trash that consumes advisors' time and energy without consequence? !?

2020-12-23 4:54 am

回答 (12)

2021-01-11 10:20 am
This has nothing to do with comics or animation.
2021-01-07 11:37 am
Probably for the same reason you are allowed to act like a monitor - both defy common sense.
2020-12-23 5:47 am
Seems like a question for a different category.  By posting in the wrong category, you're just consuming my time and energy without consequence.  Heyyy...what's that little flag there in the corner....
2020-12-23 5:01 am
That's how it is; just report them; some get taken down.
2021-04-15 1:24 am
I don't know why they continue to allow people like you to continue posting obnoxious trolling responses to good questions.
2021-04-07 11:08 am
I don't know why they continue to allow people like you to continue posting obnoxious trolling responses to good questions.
2021-03-29 4:22 am
UH , OH, doc, I think you just called  the kettle black.
2021-02-10 12:44 am
Because no one fu cking uses yahoo answers anymore. Its an abandoned clown factory lmao u look stupid rn concerned about what other people choose to do on this site 😋😋😋
參考: my fat monster cock bestowed upon me by jemmy from goat story
2021-03-31 7:00 am
You call yourself a DOCTOR and not even answer a Divorce question recommending to call a lawyer ONLY, what kind a DOCTOR are you, an astrology doctor for God sake, who told you astrology was a real science!!
2021-02-10 12:45 am
because people are only here for the meme, stephanie 
參考: i am correct just trust me
2021-04-14 11:54 am
It's one of the reasons the site is coming down, I expect. I'd be interested in getting in touch with you Dr Stephanie.
參考: svs@jamforlife.co.uk
2021-03-18 1:03 pm
And yet here you are, you must take a lot of pride and DELIGHT in insulting yourself. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:11:02
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