If Covid19 is such a scourge, why don't all these homeless people have it?

2020-12-21 3:25 pm

回答 (16)

2020-12-21 3:30 pm
If you’re sleeping outside by yourself, you’re less likely to catch it because of the air circulation. 

Most homeless people catch it from staying in a shelter where there are a lot of people and bad air circulation. 
2020-12-22 8:21 am
They do..........
2020-12-21 7:12 pm
They just don't get tested
2020-12-21 4:17 pm
Very good point. They don't wear face diapers. They don't have ways to wash their hands every 15 seconds. They certainly can't social distance when 10 of them are living in a tent in the woods.
2020-12-22 2:18 am
  This Covid Virus has been used for mass propaganda zxjqk
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2020-12-23 4:02 pm
It’s hard to get it when you’re laying alone in a cardboard box in the back of an alley somewhere.
2020-12-23 7:17 am
most homeless people do not even have the money to get tested or time so their statistics are never in use cuz they have never been tested before.
2020-12-21 9:17 pm
their germs kill covid
2020-12-21 10:10 pm
homeless people have become immune to germs
2020-12-26 10:10 pm
Because Covid-19 is no more a scourge than the common cold.  I have been trying to get Covid-19 and cannot get it
2020-12-26 3:46 am
Many of them have probably already had it and were asymptomatic or had only minor symptoms.
2020-12-24 11:30 am
Because they are outdoors 
They are usually in the same group of people who are in the same area so don’t really expose or interact with different groups 
2020-12-23 11:28 am
Just a theory: Living outside in the harsh elements have created a very strong immune system in the homeless people who live on the streets.

The human body is amazing and that might be the proof.
2020-12-23 11:26 am
Probably because they never get near each other because the other person stinks so 6 feet is even too close.
2020-12-23 5:38 am
Many homeless people do not seem to be counted in statistics like sickness as many never have the money to see a doctor or likely even see the news.
2020-12-21 7:49 pm
But the homeless are high on the list for the first to be vaccinated.  Seems counterproductive.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:09:55
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