How do I get rid of that all or nothing mentality?

2020-12-20 1:23 pm

回答 (6)

2020-12-20 3:07 pm
Develop a "good enough" mentality.
2020-12-20 1:54 pm
Learn to compromise with yourself. Nothing is black and white, everything is grey. 
2020-12-20 1:28 pm
You can't I think must be your way of coping. Blood strike must be right though maybe listen to him.
2020-12-20 1:28 pm
It probably happens in reaction to your emotions running out of control. Learn to tame them and it'll go away.
2020-12-21 10:02 am
You should know we can not have it all.
2020-12-20 2:23 pm
You've either got it or you haven't.

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