Trump ran on "draining the swamp", but he trusted Mitch McConnell, probably the greatest Swamp Lord of them all. Time for a new party?

2020-12-19 10:51 pm
I suggest we name it after the greatest President of all time and call it the True Real American Majority Party party. FACT.

回答 (7)

2020-12-19 10:53 pm
If Trump was the greatest, I would hate to see who you called the worse.  Everything from Covid-19 to foreign affairs were a train wreck under him.
2020-12-19 10:57 pm
Trump loves swamp dwellers. He's one himself.  He never had any intention of "draining the swamp," just of getting whatever he could for himself out of the presidency.
2020-12-19 10:55 pm
The TRAMP party,,, yeah, sounds like something Trumpees would go for.
2020-12-19 10:57 pm
Hurricane Donald created a huge swamp. Trump is the most corrupt POTUS ever. 
2020-12-20 11:53 am
You were never in the military. FACT.
2020-12-19 11:03 pm
Welcome back, Colonel. FACT.
2020-12-19 11:06 pm
Biden ran on bringing jobs back from China, fair taxes for the working class, and a healthcare system like his family has. Let's see that happen.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:12:18
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