He completely ignored my question?

2020-12-15 8:00 pm
This morning my husband was laying in bed listening to the radio because he doesn't have to report to work for several hours.  I was up dressing because my job starts before his.  Before I left the house to go get my coffee I turned to him and asked him if he flirts with his co-workers.  He looked at me, sort of grunted then turned his head and went back to what he was playing with on his laptop.  When I asked him again he refused to answer me.  My husband's works in a customer service environment and the majority of his co-workers are female.  They'll all working from home and although they have Skype with their job he and a few co-workers text during the day.  It seems that whenever I walk into the room where he's working he may be on his phone texting and when I walk in he'll close his phone to change the app.  He feels that he has the right to text his co-workers because (A) they are his co-workers and (B) it's his phone.  He tells me about one he texts often.  A younger girl in her early 30s who just had a baby and will be returning from maternity leave this week.  He feels I'm just nosey because every time he's texting I'll either ask him who he's talking too or yes, I'll walk close to him to see.  I think I have a right to know if he's flirting with his co-workers, don't I?  

回答 (13)

2020-12-15 11:57 pm
Sure, he flirts with his coworkers. He also catfishes random men to make money pretending to be young women meeting them at a hotel. So what? You obviously aren’t going to leave him no matter what he does, so why does it matter if he ignored your question?
2020-12-17 5:55 pm
Of course you can get close to him to see if he’s flirting...but this shows a lack of trust and can be quite irritating. To be honest, after the question you asked your husband, I would’ve had the same reaction. If you don’t trust him, you need to work on it, either with or without him. I personally would not even consider my boyfriend flirting with anyone other than me.
2020-12-17 7:59 am
This really isn't the kind of thing you throw at someone on your way out the door in the morning. Plus the way you phrased is literally gunning for an argument. You seem to already know that he's flirty with coworkers. But he's married to you (and if a 30-something is "younger" to you chances are none of these women are actually interested in your old husband). This all just feels like you're seeking out reasons to argue and that's probably why he ignored you.
2020-12-16 10:52 pm
What else you expect him to do . You are aware that majority of his co-workers are females .He cannot carry out his duties or get the work done without talking to them or getting mix up with them. You have a suspicious mind that he is involved with his female co-workers. So he is correct in saying that you are nosy.
2020-12-16 2:25 am
you asked a no win question to him - no answer is the correct answer 

flirting is not cheating. 
like looking at someone else's  dog saying how cute he is,,, does not mean you cheated on your dog 

what I suggest that always works ,,, sex him tired everyday 
2020-12-16 1:32 am
If you have no other reasons to suspect him of infidelity, I wouldn't worry. Years ago, I worked as a multi-store manager where the majority of my 80 or so employees were female. I would estimate that 3/4 of them flirted with me to some degree although few realized it. If I responded in a similar manner, they generally acted embarrassed and apologized for their actions. In the 5 years I was in this position, considering employee turnover, only 2 out of perhaps 150 flirted and were serious. 
2020-12-16 1:32 am
I don't believe there is any such inherent right. 

And you ARE being nosy. I'd go nuts if my partner asked me who I was talking to every time I was on the phone or if he tried to look at my screen to see what I was doing EVERY SINGLE TIME. 
2020-12-16 12:44 am
Yet another instalment of the 
'Snowed & Patrick saga'. How 
about you just say you already 
know he is flirting with them -- 
you pretty much did so in the 
above rant. What did you hope 
to accomplish by asking him... 
Would a "yes" have satisfied 
you and ended it? I doubt it.
2020-12-15 10:21 pm
You you actually asked your husband if he was flirting?  How dumb can one person be?  What answer were you expecting?  "Yeah honey, I'm flirting with this young co-worker to see what I can get."  Everyone flirts.  Guys flirt with the cute waitress to expect better service and the cute waitress flirts with the male customer expecting a better tip.  There's no harm in it.  You asked him a question with no basis other than you saw him texting.  Hell, we all text when we're at home with our spouses or mates.  That doesn't mean we're cheating or even trying to.  It just means we're having a conversation with a friend or co-worker.  That's like walking up to a woman and asking her if she's on her period.  Some questions you just don't ask.  You looked dumb.
2020-12-15 9:45 pm
Dumb question.  Showing a lot of jealousy and insecurity.  Be grateful he did not answer, you might have regretted it.  Could have said "YES' .
2020-12-15 8:58 pm
Perhaps he didn't deem it worth responding to. 
2020-12-15 8:08 pm
Ok. He's flirting.  Now what?    If you can't find a time to get him away from his other distractions to talk about what bothers you and what you and he can agree is appropriate, you have troubles.  And asking him as you're walking out the door is no time for a discussion.   You tell him you want to discuss something that is bother you and you'll need his attention at a time when neither of you has to rush off.  Then you can sort it out.  But remember different people have different ideas about flirting.   Guys flirt with 20 year old waitresses all the time.  It's not because we don't know that they work for tips, and it's not because we expect to get anywhere.  We just like a little outside attention once in a while and that's harmless.  Women flirt too, and probably more often than men.  So have your list of what you want, what you have to have and what you will compromise on and then insist on the conversation.
2020-12-15 8:05 pm
I think you are most definitely entitled to know if your boyfriend has been flirting with his co-workers. With that being said, I think you will be able to tell if something is going on because he will be acting all distant. Furthermore, I think you need to trust your husband in order to enjoy a happy relationship. To do this, try adopting the mentality that by trusting him and not thinking that he are betraying you, that you are actually strengthening your relationship. Remember, every successful relationship needs trust otherwise you will constantly be suspicious of your partner and it is hard to be attracted to someone who you suspect of cheating on you. Therefore, by trusting your husband, you are actually making yourself more attractive to him and ultimately strengthening the bond between you. I really hope this helps :)

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