Can Arteta turn this around?

2020-12-14 1:25 pm

Arsenal are now battling relegation lol

回答 (12)

2020-12-16 9:26 pm
No. Arsenal should fire Arteta  and replace him with Solksjaer.
2020-12-15 10:28 pm
He can turn it right round baby right round like a record baby round round round round ^_^

2020-12-14 2:34 pm
I think they’ll avoid relegation.  But that’s all I can say.  If they do get relegated then something’s gone seriously wrong there.
2020-12-14 6:07 pm
this season is all about learning more about his players and who plays best alongside who.

i dont even think that man knows who his first XI is, just like Ole doesn't know who is able to play back to back consistently for man united lol

only bruno fernandes is reliable in our team and averages 7 or higher.

rest are just money raking posers but on the plus side at least we're not as sh!t as arsenal haha
2020-12-24 7:52 am
A couple of weeks ago, I said yes, but the most recent performances have been dreadful . Some of The players have been pathetic and need to be moved on abd replaced, but it is the manager's job to get the best out if his players, and Arteta clearly isn’t.
2020-12-20 3:01 am
the question is can the players,  managers are virtually useless once that whistle starts the match
2020-12-18 1:29 am
Transfer window is going to be a factor can he get the right players their defence needs really sorting out.
2020-12-15 9:55 pm
I think he could do better, if OGS can get top four then anyone can. But they are in desperate need of a total team overhaul, so much deadweight that needs to be sold, and what are the chances they actually spend the kinda money needed? Slim, they only even went for Arteta because he was the cheap option. 
2020-12-14 7:31 pm
With time yes but he will take them further back before he moves forward and I don't think Arsenal can afford to wait that long. I guess the more worrying question is who would realistically replace him and do a better job
2020-12-15 11:59 pm
If you're so scared for your life that you need mask, gloves, face shield, vaccine, etc., then you're "protected" from me, right?

If you're "protected" from me, then I don't need any of those things 'cuz you're already "protected"

Just aksin'... because u'r already protected, then why do u force those things on me (if u'r already protected)

I'm gonna just be carrying ma gunz and if police approach me to chip me (via vaccines), then shots will be fired; mark ma wordz

Especially at checkpoints on highways near entrances of the city like it is already in Ireland... Dublin = dumber than any civilized city...

du u love freedom?

Spanish flu vaccine killed all them victims in the Spanish flu era; and that's a fact

5G will kill COVID vaccinated

COVID vaccinate contains chip; chipped people are influenced to receive World Passport grey plastic card with no name on it (when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk secretly presses button to administer the unforgivable green 666 by isotope rays according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov).

influenced by Super Computers (mind you)

evil flying antichrist will release prisoners and insane asylum folks to help him "mark" people; in the cities it will be voluntary first day; next day they do it at gun point as they do in Africa already (chipping kids via vaccines at gunpoint in Malawi)

who said that I carry a cellphone on me; 'cuz I don't

someone wants to shoot those who refuse to obey these stupid rules, that's what Project Zyphr is about; gov't turns off electricity and sends a drone with scopolamine at 4am to your house; once gassed, u come out to 'em urself; they take u 2 underground re-education camp to torture u 4 adrenochrome; the remaining people will be chipped when they sign up for food in closed stores; project pogo was to gather info on who is to be annihilated during project zyphr
參考: project pogo (if u watch gov’t shills adam green, alex jones, Qanon, then gov't knows that u'r a dissident to be annihilated during project zyphr). 12-15 million americans to die during project zyphr. ai (artificial intelligence) will post on ur social media (even will make phone calls on ur behalf) while u'r being tortured underground . people will think that u'r on vacation but u'r down under being tortured for adrenochrome.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:04:29
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