What do you think is the scariest Disney villain? ?

2020-12-14 7:09 am
Island pedophile guy from Pinnochio.  Kidnaps a bunch of boys by taking them to a place called Pleasure Island and turns them into donkeys.  Absolutely nothing happens to him.

回答 (3)

2020-12-14 7:16 am
Def ursula. Scary asf
2020-12-14 9:21 am
The fat sea witch from the little mermaid.
2020-12-14 7:26 am
Since Marvel is now owned by Disney, can I say Thanos? That motherfvcker is evil as sh.t. Not the MCU Thanos. He seemed like he had a fvcked up belief. I mean Thanos in the comics. He was a straight up sadist.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:09:58
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