Why doesn't my father understand how bad my old manager was?

2020-12-13 10:03 am
Several years ago I had this awful boss. When he first started he made himself seem like a fun loving boss to work with. As time went on that all changed. He would breathe down the necks of the leads of each department. He would also give some of the staff special treatment and have them do other work while he would breathe down the necks of staff that had disabilities. I did tell my father about all this and he still liked the manager. I told my father that he hasn't seen my old boss's true colors. Now why can't he seem to understand how bad he was?

回答 (2)

2020-12-13 10:39 am
LAST YEAR, you were not old enough to have a manager. Your father understands a 13 year old NEVER had an awful boss.
2020-12-13 10:17 am
From the way you have written your post - it sounds like you not longer work for this tyrant.  ??

If so - why not just let it go?  WHO cares if your dad believes you or not.  Let it go.  It is in the past.  You know the truth, no one else's opinion matters.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:11:19
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