Why Do I Look Better In Pictures Than I Do In Real Life?

2020-12-12 11:31 am
It makes me insecure when people meet me in real life. They expect me to look better. 

回答 (5)

2020-12-12 11:35 am
Funny I feel the opposite!
2020-12-15 8:20 am
Maybe you carry yourself better when you know you are photographed. Maybe it's your imagination. If you are being yourself on photo, you can't blame yourself for other's perception. 
2020-12-14 12:16 pm
I feel totally opposite.
2020-12-12 11:45 am
you probably look just as good in real life
2020-12-18 3:13 am
Some people are much more photogenic than others,
One male friend of mine, can not take a bad photo. He looks great in all photos. He also looks great no matter what he does to his hair. Long, short, curly, straight , highlights, color. In person he  looks normal. Average.   In a photo he could be a model.
One female friend I have is gorgeous. And never takes a good snap. She doesn’t look half as good in a photo as she does in real life.

Have you heard the saying “The camera loves you”

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:05:06
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