Why do Muslims take a hatred and enmity approach towards Israel?

2020-12-12 9:10 am
they say their Messiah (Mehdi) is better than your Messiah (Jewish Messiah) and will kill all Jews after coming back.. Why is being Jew such great?? Not I mean bad, But I mean why so important to them and why must be killed?

回答 (7)

2020-12-12 10:59 am
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Sibling rivalry.
2020-12-12 9:37 pm
Muslims tend to demean any religion that differs from them; in fact, different Muslim movements (such as Sunni vs. Shia) dislike each other.

In addition, Muslims don't like Jews because of the establishment of the contemporary state of Israel.
2020-12-12 9:12 am
In this case, it's politics over religion.
Plus, the Muslim religion tends to reject every other religion.
2020-12-17 7:02 pm
Hello Mostafa,

The dispute is not due to religion, but rather to the “Palestinian” Arab ethnic-hatred of Jews, and to Palestinian territorial ambitions. However, most Arab and Islamic-aligned countries support the "Palestinian" Arabs in their intention to replace Israel and expel the Jews. Such policies are not properly-based in Islam; they are due to political bias; the "Palestinian" Arabs being Arab. Such political bias of those countries is reflected in their education system and media, leading to their citizens having just one main source of information, and so perpetuating the bias against Israel and Jews through the generations.

One example is the "Palestinian" Arab education system:
Violence, Demonizing, militancy-indoctrination, and degradation of Women, in the Palestinian Curriculum:
“WASATIA Education - Exploring the Palestinian Curriculum” - Professor Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi:

The following is why it would be Un-Islamic to oppose Israel’s right to exist:

The right of the Jewish People to their ancestral homeland of Israel is recognised in the noble Quran. There are references within the Quran to the Jewish Scriptures (aka “Old” Testament), being connections usually overlooked by Muslims because Muslims do not recognise nor study those Scriptures.

The “Palestinian” Arabs (and their anti-Semitic supporters) are obliged to claim propaganda-fantasy that both falsely-denies the Judah heritage of the Jewish people (“Jew”=citizen of “Judah”), and also falsely-claims the “Palestinian” Arabs are descendants of Jews. This is to dishonestly evade the noble Quran’s recognition that the Land of Israel is given by Allah / God to the Jewish People (noble Quran: Sura “Al-Maaida” 5:21).

The reason for their propaganda is to perpetrate a hoax that Jewish Israelis are foreign invaders, as an attempt to justify stealing the land from its indigenous Jews.

Referring to the Bible where it talks about the Jewish People being given the land of Canaan by Allah / God, the noble Quran recognizes that the Land of Israel is given by Allah / God to the Jewish People, saying:

- - - - Start of English translation extract from the noble Quran: - - - -
Sura (chapter) “Al-Maaida” [“The Table” or “The Table Spread with Food”] 5:21:
“O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you,
and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.”
- - - - End of English translation extract from the noble Quran - - - -

The context from which the extract from the Quran is taken supports that recognition (for example, the previous verse 20 mentions Moses); and if someone alleges that it does not, then the reader should expect them to be able to explain that !

Where the noble Quran recognises (“Al-Maaida” 5:21) that the land of Israel is given by Allah / God to the Children of Israel (Jews), the Quran is referring to the (Jewish) Scriptures (aka “Old” Testament) - IN WHICH the Covenant between Allah / God and the Children of Israel, IS Everlasting.

In recent times Muslims have been inaccurately-taught that the Jewish Scriptures are “corrupted”, causing them to ignore it. The Arabic word “tahrif” used in the noble Quran has in recent times been interpreted to mean “corrupt”, but means either: “alteration” or “misinterpretation”, and past Islamic scholars translated it to mean rather: “misinterpretation”:

The Jewish Temple built at the Temple Mount / Haram al-Sharif, is mentioned in the noble Quran, and is also described by it as a “Masjid” meaning “Mosque”:

- - - - Start of English translation extract from the noble Quran: - - - -

Surah Al-Isra (The Journey by Night) 17:1:

“Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.”


- - - - End of English translation extract from the noble Quran - - - -

In Surah Al-Isra (The Journey by Night) 17, the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)* was miraculously transported overnight, from the “al-Masjid al-Haram” (the Sacred Mosque) in the vicinity of the Ka’ba Mecca, to the Al–Masjid-al–Aqsâ (the Farthest Mosque) identified in Islamic teaching as the Haram al-Sharif / Temple Mount Jerusalem.

However, during the Islamic Prophet’s lifetime there was NO mosque in Jerusalem, as the Islamic conquest of Jerusalem did not take place until 637 CE / 16 AH, which was after the Prophet’s death in 632 CE / 11 AH.

Note* :
“PBUH” is an expression of respect; it does not represent any indication of my religion.

Therefore the “Masjid” at the Al–Masjid-al–Aqsâ (the Farthest Mosque) to which the above verse refers, can only be the Jewish Temple:

- - - - Start of extract: - - - -
In “The Glorious Qurán: Translation and Commentary”, Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his commentary for Surah Al-Isra (The Journey by Night) 17:1, says at footnote 2168:
“The Farthest Mosque must refer to the site of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem on the hill of Moriah, [...]”
- - - - End of extract - - - -

The reader can learn about King Solomon’s Temple, (King of the Jewish Kingdom of Israel), here:

The noble Quran also mentions kings of Israel - examples:

- - - - Start of English translation extracts from the noble Quran: - - - -

Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow) 2:251:
Imam Iskender Ali Mihr:

“So they routed them by Allah’s Leave and David (Dâvûd) killed Goliath and Allah gave him (David) the kingdom (after the death of Saul) and the Wisdom, and taught him of that which He willed. And were it not for Allah’s repelling some men with others, the earth would indeed be full of mischief but Allah is full of Virtues upon the worlds.”


Surah Saad [“Saad” is the name of the eighteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet]:

“And We bestowed on David, his son Solomon. How excellent servant! Surely he was Evvâb (He had reached Allah).”


(38. Surah Saad continued:)

“(34) And certainly We tried Solomon, and We made him reach on his throne as a (mere) body, then he turned (departed).
(35) He said: “My Lord! Forgive me and bestow upon me a dominion which cannot be attained by anyone else after me. Verily, you are All-Forgiving.
(36) Upon that We made the wind subservient to him. By his command, it would go where ever he desired blowing gently.
(37) And also all the devils that they are the builders and divers.
(38) And the others (too) fettered in chains (given to his command).
(39) These are Our gifts. So bestow freely or withhold, without reckoning.
(40) And most surely he has a high rank in Our Presence and an excellent refuge (resort).”


- - - End of English translation extracts from the noble Quran - - - -

Obviously there is room here only for quoting the relevant verses. Regarding those who automatically respond with a standard claim that I have quoted “out of context”, the reader should be aware that there is nothing within the “context” to contradict what I have put here. If there were, then those making such claims would explain it.

The “Palestinian” Arabs considering themselves Arab were opposed to being called a “people” until the 1960’s, when they decided it fitted with their intention to steal the land of Israel from its indigenous Jews.
(Please see the source which I have put into the “Sources” area of this answer.)

The “Palestinian” Arabs falsely-allege Israeli Jews all came from Europe. Some Jews are returnee-exiles, since the Jewish People have Judah heritage (“Jew”=citizen of “Judah”). Yet the Jewish People are indigenous to their ancestral homeland of Israel, with unbroken presence there from Biblical times:

The “Palestinian Arabs” dropped the name “Arab” because they do not want you to understand they mostly originate from Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles.
(Please see the source which I have put into the “Sources” area of this answer.)

Why then do we refer to a “Return” of Jews? This is because although there was an unbroken Jewish presence in the land going back to biblical times, some Jewish exiles wished to Return to their homeland. The clue is in the name: “Jew” refers to the citizens of “Judah” (aka “Judea”) / Israel. Judaism is both an ethnicity as well as a religion.

The Jewish People have had previous sovereign states in the land. For example - Map of the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judah (aka Judea) including the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights, with its capital of (what is now EAST) Jerusalem / “Old City”; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH:(Please see the source which I have put into the “Sources” area of this answer.)  

The Palestinians falsely-allege the Jewish People / Israel are an enemy to Islam, and that they are “oppressors”; but the Palestinians make such false-allegations to  dishonestly-use Jihad in the Quran for their own territorial ambitions.

I hope this helps.

參考: Additional sources: The “Palestinian” Arabs mostly originate from foreign Arab migrant workers: http://theettingerreport.com/arab-migration-shaped-palestinian-society/ The “Palestinian” Arabs considering themselves Arab were opposed to being called a “people” until the 1960’s, when they decided it fitted with their intention to steal the land of Israel from its indigenous Jews: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/11401/palestinian-people Map of the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judah: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4b/Hasmonean_kingdom.jpg
2020-12-12 9:13 am
That region has too much religion and not enough air conditioning.
2020-12-12 10:45 am
If you read the Quran you would understand the animosity is based in an ancient betrayal.
2020-12-12 10:00 am
Decent people do not support the actions of the Tel Aviv regime.

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