What DID Jesus say we must do to be saved?

2020-12-11 7:58 am

回答 (24)

2020-12-12 8:15 pm
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Given that He said nobody comes to God the Father except through Him, and that nobody comes to Him unless the Father draws him, it's not about what we do, but about what God, in Christ, does. Read His very words below. Jesus said that He would not lose one of those whom God had already given to Him for salvation (including all those in the future) so it's best to find out what God, in Christ, has already done. Them you will understand what salvation means, and how it happens as a miracle of free grace.
參考: John 14:6-7 & 6:39-45
2020-12-11 1:32 pm
John 3:3 KJV — Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

John 3:7 KJV — Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
2020-12-11 10:01 am
2020-12-12 2:46 pm
Repent and Believe the good news, the good news is what Jesus taught, God is love, God is good, God hates sin and iniquity, why? Because it hurts you and us, how? Because it robs you and us from enjoying life as He intended it for you and us, the only effect sin and iniquity has on God is in how it effects us, it's His love for us, not Himself, in how we treat ourselves and others that causes Him any grief, so love thy neighbor as thyself and fulfill the law, the only thing that separates a man from God is sin, so in order to get saved, sin has to be dealt with FIRST, I would strongly suggest here to study the Bible to get a full understanding of what God calls sin and what man calls sin and what God sees as a sin that would be unto death or one that would separate a man from Him and a sin that's not unto death or one that don't separate a man from Him because they both have the same effect on a man only one of these is seen by God as self condemnation, the bible says whatsoever is not of faith is sin, what that means is whatever you believe to be sin is sin, happy is the man that doesn't condemn himself in the thing that he allows, NOW that doesn't mean that applies to ALL sin, that only applies to whatever is not KNOWN to be sin, such as murder, rape, stealing, adultery, whoredom, etc., of everything else that's not known sin the door is wide open,  you better beware also of the many things people call sin they call sin by assumption. His commandments are not burdensome, keep that in mind, the number of people being saved today are more out of self condemnation than the actual sinner and once their able to get free of their guilt their convinced their on the right path, the problem they don't see in what they condemned themselves in is something they believe God should be condemning everyone else in, which He don't, here's where you will discover a man's commandments,  being saved from sin doesn't just apply to known sins, finding out what you believed to be sin, that was only self condemnation or condemnation you received from someone else, then I would say you are free indeed, Jesus dealt more with this issue than any other when dealing with people that believed in God but were living under self condemnation or condemnation from certain religious people of their time,  Peter was one of them, the others also, it's just revealed in Peter more in the scriptures, Peter was not some wicked evil sinner that Jesus pick out to convert, Peter was a good man with good character, he was only living a lifestyle that the Pharisee's projected as being evil or against God, no different than many today, anyway its still sin people need to be delivered from, that's all that will separate a man from God, be it actual sin that merits a true guilt or self condemnation that produces a false guilt, doesn't matter, they both have the same effect, only one of them is true and the other is a lie. 
2020-12-11 8:40 am
You already know, old friend.

Hell, you probably know the Bible better than most preachers.

2020-12-14 2:45 am
Far more is required than simply saying “I believe in Jesus” or “I accept Jesus as my Savior.” Certainly accepting and exercising faith in Jesus as our Ransomer is necessary. But the salvation through him comes only to those who conform to the conditions on which it is offered. A person must know of and have faith in Jehovah, accept his Word, recognize the operation of his spirit, repent and be baptized.​  Heb. 11:6; Matt. 28:19; Acts 3:18.
What Is Salvation?  Please read this article, I will send you a link to get you started:  https://www.jw.org/finder?docid=502016130&prefer=lang&wtlocale=E
Would you like to learn more about the Bible or about Jehovah’s Witnesses? If so, request a visit from one of Jehovah’s Witnesses by completing the form a Witness in your area will contact you.  Please watch the video.  https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/request-a-visit/
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alert: In many areas, we have suspended our in-person visits and public meetings. Please include your telephone number when you complete the form and a Witness in your area will contact you.
參考: jw.org
2020-12-12 8:19 pm
Many scriptures show that those who have been saved must still endure faithfully to the end. (Matthew 24:13; Hebrews 10:36; 12:​2, 3; Revelation 2:​10) First-century Christians expressed joy when they learned that fellow believers were enduring in their faith. (1 Thessalonians 1:​2, 3; 3 John 3, 4).
2020-12-11 10:32 pm
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 
Love your neighbor as yourself.

And repent of your sins.

Matthew 22:37 and 22:38
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian
2020-12-11 7:30 pm
2020-12-11 8:02 am
So tell me what He has told you what to do. IF you have heard His tangible voice. Note He likes to say He is God inside of people to people and that is the tangible voice of God to people His way. But He will tell you to do something evil if you do not believe Him and you will do it when He wants to force you with His word.

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