Are there enough conservative activist judges on the SC to go along with Texas' scheme to disenfranchise the voters of 4 other states?

2020-12-09 2:25 am

回答 (7)

2020-12-09 2:31 am
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NFW.  US Constitution Art II, Sec 1, Clause 2 declares that each State shall appoint electors "in such Manner as the Legislature Thereof May Direct."  In other words, it's ENTIRELY up to each state to choose its slate of electors.  PA, MI, WI, etc don't need permission from TX to appoint electors,  and TX has no standing to object.
2020-12-09 2:44 am
In the matter of the election impacting the office of President, Texas or any other State has standing, provided they have substantial evidence showing serious irregularities and/or voter fraud....especially if conspiracy to commit significant fraud can be proven.  The SCOTUS does not "go along"....the SCOTUS considers the claims and the evidence supporting those claims and decides accordingly.
2020-12-09 2:35 am
In 2016 5 democrat congress persons got together to try and have their electoral college votes overturned. 
2020-12-09 2:37 am
Courts don't decide the election people do, and the people have spoken they want Biden.  
2020-12-09 2:33 am
It's funny when you Lefties expect activism is the norm for conservatives. 
2020-12-09 2:39 am
That's just it.  Activist judges will not rule to correct what has happened.  Only true constitutional judges would do what is necessary to correct this so it never happens again, but I doubt any of them have the guts to do it.  It was unconstitutional.  
2020-12-09 3:32 am
no.  'conservative activist' isn't a real description at all

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:06:14
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