Why don't Muslims turn to kindness of Quran if it solves Islam-West quarrel?

2020-12-07 6:27 am
Why don't Muslim clerics trim beard for the sake of Love message to Christians? Quran Never forbids it... Or eating kosher like Halal is totally mistake, everything in water is edible (more possible not distorted), all animals except pork & blood of them is ok if killed true way...

回答 (3)

2020-12-07 6:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
The same could be asked of Christians.
2020-12-07 7:16 am
Because the true message of love is in the Bible, not the Quran. Jesus never lifted His fingers to harm others. He had no army yet even kings feared Him. He had no servants yet everyone called Him as Master. No degree, yet people called Him teacher. All Jesus did is spread about what TRUE love is, He truly defined what MERCY is. Jesus has and always will be about what truly lies INSIDE an individual.
There is no meaning in beards, or Halal food, or the Hijab, or alcohol, etc. Material things serve absolutely no purpose in the spiritual world, and abstaining or not from them certainly does not shape nor define who a person truly is. 

The Islamic prophet, on the other hand, didn't do any of the things that Jesus did. His method was by the use of force and conquest in the Northern African countries (Which are known today as Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, etc.). He slaughtered many Christians in the name of Allah and made others forcibly convert to Islam. Even today, there is no such thing as a "convert", but rather a "revert", as Muslims unfortunately believe that one is actually born a Muslim, and that converting to Islam is actually a "reverting" which is simply not true. The fact that there are so many, especially in Muslim Extremist countries such as Somalia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia (the latter in which absolutely no churches are even allowed!), non-Muslims (especially Christians) that are harassed, looked down upon, and even killed in these countries tells A LOT about the true nature of Islam being advocated. So many crimes have been committed in the name of Allah, so considering that Islamic countries are against terrorism, hatred, bigotry, etc., why is it that not one of them stands up against them? Just look at Turkey. You call it 99.9% Muslim, yet I don't see a single Muslim there. They have nightclubs, strip clubs, alcohol is allowed, gay bars, etc., and the people scam one another on a daily basis! So, how can you even remotely call it a Muslim country? Same goes for Pakistan. While it may be more strict about Alcohol and stuff like that, it still has the ABSOLUTE LARGEST pornographic content consumption (including Japanese Hentai) in the entire... get ready for this... WORLD. What happened to fornication (Al-Zina)?? Did the Islamic Prophet not stone those who committed the sin of Fornication/Adultery? The Quran certainly says this to be true. You know the verses (Ayat) well. 

In short, given that 2.5 Billion individuals are Christians in this world currently, and given how many Muslims (especially those in extremist countries) treat Christians, there is absolutely no love to be shown. It is virtually non-existent. The only love such extremists have is for one another in the same kin, and the same goes about this "peace" that they speak of. I'm only glad that my Muslim friends do not know about these ayat (verses), for they certainly would have acted different with me (as I've seen online with a handful of hate-filled individuals... unfortunately). The concept of Allah is so different from that found in the Bible that it makes me question if they are indeed them same, as the Pope and Sheikh El-Azhar in Egypt have said. I can EASILY go on about what has happened since the Fat7-Al-Islam from the days of Muhammad himself, till today, and how things have become from bad to worse in the spreading of Islam (since so much force was used to spread it).
I know, I know: "But the crusades...", yes yes, I know all about it, and it indeed was a shameful act from the part of "Christians" (since nowhere in the Bible was it stated that we are to go in Crusades and slaughter anyone in our paths, unlike the Jihad in Quran), but two wrongs never did make a right, now did they? This was a golden opportunity for Islam to grow in a truly peaceful way. Instead, they made things even worse. Instead of learning from what mistakes Christians did, they took their mistake, perverted it and made it even worse! You have ABSOLUTELY NO idea the atrocities I've seen being committed by Muslims, especially extremists. Destroying tens of thousands of churches and then shouting the Shahada does NOT save you. Saying Allahu Akbar does NOT save you. It only makes things worse for you because you are using God's name in VAIN! (Doona Jadwa! Yes, I speak Arabic, which is why I know what I'm talking about!).

So, MY advice for you? If you want to believe in Muhammad, then go ahead. But even from a Muslim's perspective, follow none other than Jesus. He has the quality that counts for God THE MOST: He was/is Sinless. He taught everything without any form of violence. But most importantly, He taught us humility. He taught us that we have absolutely no chance of making it to God on our own, because as soon as we sin, we are indebted to Him. Only true humility and demand for forgiveness can one be truly saved, for now they are under God's grace and mercy, and whether you like it or not, even if you think that you are sinless, you will NOT inherit the kingdom of God without both repentance and humility. Muhammad, on the other hand, was a sinner like all humans. He himself said that he not only asks for forgiveness 7 times a day, but 70 times a day! So like any of us, he too was a sinner. He also, unfortunately, taught that Muslims can EARN their way to heaven. No! That's also incorrect, and can lead to the SOUL's demise!! A truly good heart and a repentant soul is needed for this! Killing for Allah only makes things worse. Committing suicidal attacks will lead to hell no matter what, etc. And finally, know that even with the case of prophets, even with the status that they were given by God Himself, it doesn't mean that they are impervious to God's judgement. 

Even if you don't see Jesus from a Christian perspective, follow HIS teachings, not that of Muhammad. For that? Read the Bible, and learn about the life of Jesus. There is no greater source for those with faith in God. 
2020-12-07 6:43 am
Religious intolerance is a primitive tribal instinct..so the more primitive your mentality is, the more likely you are to display this characteristic...

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