Should Trump be able to pardon himself and family ?

2020-12-06 1:37 pm

回答 (4)

2020-12-06 3:46 pm
No, he should not.  Once Biden is in office, he and the democrats (and the republicans if they have a shred of dignity for their office) should pass laws, or even a constitutional amendment, that a president cannot pardon oneself, or a relative, or anyone who has contributed to them monetarily, and cannot preemptively pardon anyone before any criminal charges have even been charged.
2020-12-06 1:48 pm
For what? He hasn't done anything wrong. I have no doubt Democrats will try to arrest him and others merely for being political rivals of theirs. AOC promised she would, and Democrats have remained silent and not condemned her for her threats. As you know silence is violence. Their silence means they support AOC's calls for targeting and arresting political rivals.
2020-12-06 6:26 pm
He can pardon his family, however, pardoning himself may give him the status of a king, something that is not allowed in the US. 
2020-12-06 1:56 pm
Yes, Fat Donnie should be able to pardon Melanoma Tramp for being a prostitute. 

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