Misspelled name on Permit/license?

2020-12-05 11:45 pm
So recently I got my learners permit renewed since it was expired before and got mad at myself that I completely forgot to tell them to correct the misspelling of my name when I was at the DMV when I was there. But I’m planning to do a knowledge test before I can schedule my road test, do you think that after I complete my road test that I can tell them “hey please correct my name before you put it on my license”? 
Or do they just copy down what’s written on my permit, my misspelled name? Can I tell them to correct it before they print it out on the license? I don’t need a permit to drive if I get a license obviously so if I get a license before the process of them printing my name onto it, can I just tell them to correctly type my name?  Even though it would still be misspelled on my permit? Do I need a permit after I get a license? I’m 19 by the way, I know. It’s been a struggle. Please help if you can, thanks 

回答 (8)

2020-12-06 7:13 pm
Just ask them to correct the spelling, dummy.  You don't need to wait for some perfect time, just go in and do it.
2020-12-06 12:04 am
Get it corrected now. It's not difficult.
2020-12-12 9:16 am
I'm assuming your parent(s) had to go with you. Take your Birth Certificate and Social Security Card along with your Learners License and have the name spelling correction fixed. They can see on your parent(s) license the correct Last Name spelling if it was the part misspelled. The DMV people always to you to check all the information before you sign the paper form. How did you spell your name when you signed the license?
2020-12-06 9:13 pm
So you are all shook up about nothing. So Relax.
So just ask them to correct the spelling.  So.

Why begin a question with "SO"?

Sigh..... The "SO" generation.  They haven't a clue.
2020-12-05 11:49 pm
have them change the spelling,you should have done that the first time
2020-12-08 2:50 am
Call and ask them what the process would be for getting it fixed - it's probably not just on the license, it's probably all throughout their system.

The sooner you contact them, the better chance it will already be corrected when you go to take your driving test.

P.S. - I understand that dealing with the DMV can be frustrating - but you don't know what a 'struggle' is kid.
2020-12-07 12:23 am
With the multiple forms YOU HAD TO FILL OUT, how is it that YOU misspelled your name every time?  That is the real question. Just curious, ya know?
2020-12-05 11:59 pm
We don’t know. The DMV does.

Ask them.

But from a lifetime of experience I can tell you to never let stuff like that ride in the hope or on the assumption that it will be corrected later. The longer it’s left, the worse it usually gets. You could end up with a jobsworth who refuses to let you take either your knowledge or your road tests because your  correct name does not exactly match your incorrect permit.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:08:55
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