Do you think dinosaur fossils are the reason for dragon myths around the world?

2020-12-05 10:33 pm
Dinosaurs were only identified as a category of extinct animals in the 19th century. Yet people would surely have found them before that. Dragon myths occur in various countries far apart as Wales and China. They are also mentioned in the Bible as a metaphor for the devil [Daniel and Revelation]. Could the remains of dinosaurs have given rise to these legends? 

回答 (9)

2020-12-05 10:35 pm
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I think that's not only possible, but likely.
2020-12-05 10:49 pm
yep, they tried to explain the dino bones they found ............
2020-12-06 8:39 am
I'm dubious. Crocodiles are the more likely source. I think that the evidence is good that it was a crocodile that St George fought.
2020-12-05 11:06 pm
Lightning was the source of many fire breathing dragon stories.
2020-12-06 9:07 am
It's quite likely that some dinosaurs lived for considerable periods after the flood and gave rise to legends of dragons. remember that 'dinosaur" was only coined in the 19th century and the word "dragon" would have been used prior to that.
2020-12-26 12:37 pm
That would not have been necessary.  Look at the Nile crocodile.
2020-12-19 1:05 am
No, it was the Transformers
參考: Hasbro
2020-12-12 12:30 am
That has been proven. Greeks found mammoth or mastodon skulls and thought they were proof of the  giant Cyclops people.
2020-12-05 11:12 pm
This might account for some locations legends, but not all. I suggest this because there was a documentary on an island in the Med. that has fossils close to the surface.
There is always the possibility that what we learned in history is wrong and also that our dating systems are off. Meaning maybe humans and dinosaurs did co-exist.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:27:32
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