2020-12-05 2:03 pm
求89-11 AL UE English LISTENING paper+ soundtrack+script+ marking
今年係自修生,只retake 英文,好想有lv.3, 但網上只揾到好零碎AL UE English LISTENING paper或死link

回答 (2)

2020-12-07 1:11 am
If you are taking 89-11 AL UE English LISTENING paper+soundtrack+script+marking all, then you should listen to a RTHK broadcast exam programme on the radio
=listening to the radio
=to listen to the conversation of other invigilators/people' speech or news
=receiving their conversations
=agree to a suggestion/request
=jot down ,with preparation, the  TRUTH  on a note book
=(Q&A) answer correctly
or the examiner wants to get you into trouble
=retake a success.
2020-12-05 4:56 pm

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:20:45
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