Do you find music distracting when you write?

2020-12-04 4:56 pm
I can't concentrate writing if music is playing. I just prefer to write in silence.

回答 (11)

2020-12-04 11:37 pm
We're in the minority, but I, too, prefer silence for writing. I know lots of people who need it for inspiration or to set the mood for a scene, and if that works for them, fine.

I only play music to muffle other more distracting sounds. Like today, the quarry behind us has lots of activity, so I'll probably play something without lyrics to lessen the impact of the trucks' back-up horns beeping constantly.
2020-12-04 5:04 pm
Personally, I find that the right music can motivate my writing. I love music across many genres and to me it is a catalyst for my emotions.
The wrong music can be very distracting, absolutely.
But I find that the right music can spur me on, help me focus on anger, or hope, or despair, or humor, or whatever flavor of energy I wish to channel into my words.
But that's me, and it might be a totally different scenario for someone else.
2020-12-04 11:51 pm
In depends on the music. I  like instrumental classical music played softly, unless I have a thrilling scene. Modern music is not my mood music; it is noise. I can't write amidst noise. My neighbor has turned on her shower and I can't stand that.
2020-12-04 11:17 pm
I do. I prefer complete silence whenever possible.
2020-12-04 8:46 pm
Yes, very much so.
I'm not fiction writer but when I was working on my thesis or am writing emails at work I find my music distracting.
The same is true for reading. I can't have music when I read my books.
I can't for my life understand how people can listen to music and write or read but folks clearly function differently in that area.   ;-)
2020-12-06 6:58 am
Sometimes I do... Sometimes I don't... It depends on mood actually...
2020-12-05 4:18 am
It is actually distracting. I only listen to it if I am trying to block out other noise and study but I am unable to concentrate due to it. 
2020-12-04 5:05 pm
Yes, highly distracting for me.
2020-12-06 10:52 pm
I think age causes that. In my teens & 20's, I had to have music on ALWAYS. After 30, though - like you said - cant concentrate that way.
2020-12-05 8:05 am
No, it's just background to me.

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