Why are we struggling so much with the Coronavirus pandemic?

2020-12-04 3:45 am
It's crazy. We're NINE months into this pandemic and we have seemed to learn NOTHING about controlling this pandemic. We are now at a second wave that seems to be out of control and will only get worse until the end of Winter. Seriously, NINE MONTHS into this pandemic, things should be getting BETTER, NOT worse!! What the hell is going on???

回答 (6)

2020-12-04 4:16 am
We are not struggling with this virus. Some apparently have no idea how viruses actually get around and such, how much modern medicine actually does not know. So they may struggle or be frustrated. In the big picture, if these vaccines work, they will have been created in historic time frames. Look at aids, they still don't have a cure, a vaccine, sure they have found ways to hold it off/down and such. But not eliminate it. Or all the different strains of HPV, sure after decades of research they came up with something against what, 4 or so out of the over 100 strains of it.  I do not know what your definition of things getting better is.  We can treat it better so less suffer and less die. That's an improvement. 
2020-12-04 4:02 am
What's going on is that people are idiots.

This virus is relatively easy to avoid.  It's not like Ebola or some others that spread by touch as readily as by aerosol.  Symptoms also set in very soon after shedding starts, so it's not secretly infecting others for years, like some STDs.  (This could easily have been SO much worse!)

The problem is that people won't take the extremely simple measures required to achieve almost total protection.  That's the ONLY reason this remains a dangerous pandemic.

We HAVE to go out to crowded venues so we can buy stuff, in order to feel like we've DONE something today.  We REFUSE to wear masks properly because they fog our glasses or make it hard to breathe, or they don't look cool, or the girls/boys can't see how pretty I am, or just because I'm a cranky contrarian looking for something to blame on those I don't like.  We DON'T remember that everything we touch has viruses on it.

All it takes is masks and soap, people!  We're idiots.  Otherwise, this would all be over by now.  THIS WAS AN EASY ONE! 
2020-12-04 4:02 am
people need to start doing what they are told to do and stop doing the total opposite
2020-12-04 4:00 am
The techniques that our officials are using just aren't work.
Change some one has to realize that what we were doing is flawed.

My community makes these big production about what restrictions we have now.  I don't see any of them to be effective.  It's like they don't go outside.

Starting this week park playgrounds are closed to more than 2 families at a time.  You can't eat on the playground.
1. Is there any instances where non-school playgrounds are the source of transmission?  I can't find it.  So if there is it's really rare!  If it rare, then you aren't going to get any big reduction in cases by cutting this off.
2. You can't eat on the sand -- you can eat on the grass next to the sand.  Ok. but i go to the park a lot with my toddler niece and rarely is anyone eating on the sand.  They eat on the grass or picnic table surrounding the sand.

We need to focus on the complacency of employees in the workforce!  
2020-12-04 11:25 am
Guess again. It's not 9 months. I think you should do more research. Because you don't know when this pandemic truly started. You don't even have a rough idea as to when it started either. We can all probably get a rough idea if we all look at the exact same place online, but when it truly stated well I think China, and the Chinese should have that information.
2020-12-04 4:12 am
It really has been an act of "Bio-terrorism". The media nd the government simply have not come out and said so, but, this really was an act of "Bio-terrorism" from China concerning last year's tax and trade tariff situation last year September. The government on top had told all of the states and state agencies and news agencies to not come out and say so for the purpose of preventing lawsuits. All of the current "guidelines" are really protections against lawsuits and preventing people from filing lawsuits against the government.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:20:06
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