Covid vaccine worries? ?

2020-12-03 10:20 pm
Obviously the UK have now got this “vaccine”, seen a lot of things about this new vaccine can cause infertility problems for women and men. 

Is this true? 

回答 (14)

2020-12-05 9:23 pm
Been reading some fake news or trolling..... 
Most likely fake news, like the one about the vaccine having a tracking device in it...  I don't think any one knows yet what or if any thing the vaccine will do to fertility in any one. As far as I know the vaccine creates side affects that are similar to being hungover. 
I have a couple of auto immune issues, so I will be getting the vaccine. If I get covid, I could get really sick. I've been lucky to not have been sick this year. 
2020-12-04 12:12 am
You heard from where? Of course the trolls on the internet. Not scientists but little kids in their bedroom writing rubbish.
2020-12-04 12:57 am
No worries... Actually i am from US & waiting for covid vaccine to arrive in my country
2020-12-05 3:23 am
Not taking it. I simply don't trust big pharma. Think about this: I know several people on Anti-depressant meds that wound up suicidal as a result of side effects. 
2020-12-05 1:59 pm
I am waiting for the vaccine to come to my country (USA), and when it is my turn, if I am still alive, I will get the vaccine!!!! @ Flying Scooter, if you have side effects from anti-depressants or ANY medicine, that is when you call the doctor even pharmacist first sign of side effect. I have been on anti-depressants now since 9 now 23 and never had issues like being suicidal. Again everyone is different, but as a nurse, and personally taking them kind of pills I never heard A LOT of people having issues! 
2020-12-04 7:06 am
There's a lot of fictitious legends pertaining to this vaccine. We can add infertility to that list. To the best of my knowledge, the vaccine has been tested well using more volunteers than usual as it's being expedited. There have been no results that indicate long term effects. The two vaccines by Pfizer''s and Modeena have no live viruses in them and are safe to take. They simply put your immune system into a faster rate of production to fight the COVID virus. I'll be one of the first in line for it. 
2020-12-04 3:44 am
nope that isn't true
2020-12-04 2:59 am
No.  The only known side effects from the vaccine is that some people might experience symptoms like a low grade flu/covid infection: aches, fever, cough, etc. 
2020-12-04 1:15 am
I was praying that vaccine will arrive very soon
2020-12-03 10:38 pm
There's a lot of bullshit about the vaccines. Some people think politics is more important than health. Everyone should take that shot; the vaccine is safe. 

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