Isn't it odd that we're told to wear face mask during this pandemic? Why not just stay home if you're sick?

2020-12-03 4:13 pm
It's silly how the government is mandating everyone to wear face masks outside and social distance during this pandemic. Here's a better idea.... how about people stay home if they're sick? Chances are, if you have Coronavirus, you're ill with a fever, a bad cough, or are having even more serious symptoms that require you to be hospitalized. Either way, you shouldn't be going out and infecting others. You should be at home resting/recovering or at a hospital getting medical attention. There should be no reason for you to be at store or other public places where you could potentially affect others.

So why the mandate for face masks and social distancing? Why don't sick people just stay quarantined at home or at the hospital?? Why does the whole world have to change because some sick people are stupid enough to go out when they're ill?

回答 (11)

2020-12-03 8:15 pm
Not every one has sick days or payed time off, they have to go to work to pay the bills. If they have any symptoms they should be sent home. Also not every one knows how to order on line, has the latest model cell phones, or knows how to use a computer. 
About half of the people that get covid are a symptomatic, so you don't know who could have it. As long as you're practicing physical distancing and wearing a mask when you do go out, you should be fine. That's what I've been doing since covid started and I'm still healthy. 
2020-12-03 4:15 pm
Roughly 50% of all cases are asymptomatic. Glad I could clear that up for you.
2020-12-05 4:05 am
Look, Wall-Street needs us all to work. Who cares if a few million die as long as the rich get richer. Forget staying at home, the powers that be will not allow that again. 
2020-12-04 7:03 am
You are clearly just as ignorant as all the governments around the world. I can see flaws in what you said, and in the governments too.

We would not be needing to wear a facemask if the governments actually did their job. I noticed a fine print online, and I bet many people never noticed it, and nothing was said by any of the governments maybe except, for 1 government, and it's regarding this pandemic.

Regarding myself, I never been to Asia. I only visited 1 country, and maybe I will visit other countries.

The fine print that I read says:


"Hand washing, cough etiquette, avoiding close contact with infected persons, avoiding travel to affected areas"

What I noticed is human beings have done the opposite of what was said above, and that's why there are, so many cases of covid-19 infections, and a lot of deaths too.

Quarantining people won't solve anything! I saw how people were being quarantined, and this will only delay the development of this problem!

Regarding what you said, well it's just not realistic. Hypothetically speaking if I were infected then I should stay home because you said so right?

Who the f**k are you to tell me to stay at home?

I need to do stuff outside, so I would be able to survive such as buy food, and other stuff too that I would need, so I can survive.

I realize that people who are infected will probably try to go where there are other people. I don't want to get infected with this asian crap, and yes I am aware that asians are trying to pass the bucket.

Currently I am thinking of ways that would allow me to survive, and this what you should be doing too.
2020-12-03 4:35 pm
Over 50% of people carry the Virus with NO symptoms. That is why.
2020-12-05 6:58 am
Unfortunately, with this Chinese developed COVID, we often don't know if we're sick as many of catch it and show no symptoms at all although we can then pass it to others.
2020-12-04 3:01 am
The problem with the idea of "just stay home if you're sick" is that about 40-50% of people infected with covid have no symptoms.  So how would you ever know?  And even people who do eventually develop symptoms can be contagious for a couple days before those symptoms express themselves.  That's what made this so insidious.  Wearing a mask protects you and others.
2020-12-03 10:09 pm
Because apparently too many people are asymptomatic.
2020-12-03 8:52 pm
We can have the virus and not know and be spreading it or not yet feel sick but already be contagious. 
2020-12-03 5:27 pm
Well, no, most people are asymptomatic, which is why its recommended to wear masks even if you arent feeling sick yourself. And its not always possible to stay home, even if you're sick. People need to pay bills, pick up their kids from school, buy food and other stuff, and so they go out. But if everyone wears a mask, going out isnt a problem.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:22:25
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