Do you wear a face mask in public?

2020-12-03 5:29 am
If you do what country do you live in?

回答 (49)

2020-12-04 7:32 am
goes to a bank , its being robbed , cops come and ask me to describe the robber , i answer yes , hes wearing a mask like everyone else ..
2020-12-03 5:45 am
Yes, United States of America 
2020-12-03 7:33 am
In public indoors, I wear the mask.  Not outdoors, or only if I have to stay too close to others.  
I live in California, USA.
2020-12-05 1:37 am
Yes, it is mandatory by all country government
2020-12-05 11:20 pm
Yes but only in closed spaces. Because it is currently the law in the Netherlands. And my wife is scared about it. So I like to please her with doing that.
2020-12-06 2:12 am
Yes, United States
2020-12-05 1:55 am
Yes, I use it for my own protection.
2020-12-07 4:26 am
I only wear a face mask/ face covering in places where they are mandatory such as In enclosed public spaces and in public transport. I am from the UK 
2020-12-07 1:28 am
Yes, I am... I live in Malaysia...
2020-12-03 9:21 pm
No I don't. But then I don't go out due to anxiety. Plus I have asthma so I can't wear a mask anyway.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:20:03
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