I'm a house designer, should I put a wifi router in a closet?

2020-12-01 4:42 am

回答 (3)

2020-12-01 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is not the best place for router,because of the walls.
2020-12-01 6:26 am
Ideally it should be situated in the centre of the house on the middle floor if there are 3 storeys or on the first or ground floor for a house with 2 storeys.
A even better solution would be to have the all the rooms (bar the bathroom) pre wired for ethernet with them all coming back to a central location with a nearby socket.
2020-12-01 6:03 am
Wi-Fi routers like height -- on top of shelves or mounted high on a wall.  They don't like drawers or closets -- though many people like to hide their routers.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:10:18
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