Why can't I get past this?

2020-11-30 7:43 pm
A little more than a week ago I found out that my husband was "catfishing" guys online for money.  Let me say this first, no he is not gay, bi, or curious.  He was just scamming them for small amounts of money.  He said that he found some pics of a young white girl and posted them on an escort site and the guys would text him on a texting app thinking they were going to hook up with the young woman.  He said he'd give them the name and address of a hotel across town and when they got to the hotel and text him he'd ask for a small deposit in order to give them the room number.  When I found out about it I was totally upset as to why he would do that.  Hew feels that he's not really hurting anyone and he's no worse that guys selling weed or meth in person to crackheads or potheads.  I can't seem to get this out of my mind.  We were watching TV last night and I brought it up again and yes, we argued about it.  He feels that since I wasn't directly affected by it why am I so upset about it.  He said that he's not done it since and honestly it wasn't something he was doing on the regular.  He then tried to turn it around on me by saying I have my little side hussle playing and hosting Bingo games on Facebook.  He said that those people may spend $50 or $60 just to win a $30 pot.  Then I get a cut of the winnings.  However, my side hustle isn't illegal.  Why can't I get past what he was doing?  He's scamming people, albeit, illegal prostitution, but this is how me makes side money.

@Barry, He said he's stopped and hasn't done it since I found out about it but I just can't get past it.

回答 (7)

2020-11-30 10:29 pm
Why would you get past it? He wants to take some moral high ground or pretend like it isn’t a big deal,  it you know that it is. Why not divorce him? Seriously, he almost certainly hasn’t stopped (does he let you check his phone any time you want and monitor his activity? I’d bet not), he’s a criminal and could either get arrested or have someone track him down and take retribution in another way.

But hey, if you want to stay with him, then stay with him, but realize that you are accepting and condoning this behavior if you do.
2020-12-05 8:24 am
So...he's criminally defrauding people, and you;re fine with that?  You'd best step away, or convince him to stop, because if he gets caught, you could end up in trouble, too.  
2020-12-02 1:49 am
Oh no girl that's wrong, keep in mind if those guys find out he will get hurt bad. 
2020-12-01 7:51 am
It's about character, isn't it? One does hope to be wed to someone with good character. What you'll do about the fact that you are wed to a man with poor character is your choice to make. I think his actions, whether he's currently continuing that behavior or not, very clearly declares what he is of low, and untrustworthy, character. When you are wed to a person of good character, you really don't need  to spend your time wondering what they're doing, where, with whom etc. etc. That's not your guy.
2020-11-30 8:27 pm
If my husband did this I would call the police and divorce him. That is cruel and disgusting. 
2020-11-30 7:47 pm
He's a small time crook. Tell him to stop or you will involve the police.
2020-12-01 7:30 am
Technically what he's doing isn't really illegal either as it's kind of a caveat emptor situation. But it's insanely immature so you can always tell him you don't want to be married to a 12 year-old. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:06:40
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