Will one of the Biden administrations first actions be a gift to Planned Parenthood, so they can gear up for an onslaught of baby killing?

2020-11-28 9:56 pm

回答 (7)

2020-11-28 10:07 pm
Killing babies is a crime in the US.
2020-11-28 9:59 pm
I think your bellyaching should be addressed to the Supreme Court, Roe vs. Wade was ruled on 47 years ago
2020-11-29 3:33 am
Just as Clinton did, rewarding planned parenthood, at the expense of human life, will absolutely be one of the first official acts Illegitimate Joe will do.
2020-11-28 10:01 pm
ROFL.  You probably do not even know that abortions go up when funding for Planned Parenthood is cut, but it does (numerous examples for this and it has even been in the news recently for one of the states, I just forget which one).  If you are against abortion, then you ought to support funding Planned Parenthood.

But you really aren't against abortion, you are against people having the choice.  A power and control thing, not a respect for life thing, really.  Otherwise, you would support funding Planned Parenthood, and you do not.  You prove the argument by your own actions.
2020-11-28 11:53 pm
Hey, it’s your fantasy.
2020-11-28 10:39 pm
If you're so concerned about abortion, why did you vote for someone who has paid for at least three of them (that we know of)?
2020-11-28 10:07 pm
Biden pledged that on Inauguration Day the first thing he will do is add comments back to yahoo answers. We will see if he follows through.

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