Knowing the Biden administration is illegitimate, and power comes from the people,are there effective ways for us to neutralize him?

2020-11-28 8:53 pm

回答 (11)

2020-11-28 8:55 pm
Yes. He is there to represent the Americans who voted for him.
2020-11-28 8:57 pm
You know that because Trump said so? what a clown you are
2020-11-28 9:32 pm
Do you really want to discuss an illegitimate president and his administration?   Then let’s discuss trump:  

For The USA’s 2016 presidential election, HILLARY CLINTON won the national, popular vote.   

Meanwhile, trump cheated for the votes for the Electoral College.   The republican party rigged the votes for the Electoral College to put traitor trump into our presidential office. (I have proof.)   

traitor trump is an ILLEGITIMATE president!!  
參考: life; see website: Nationalpopularvotedotcom
2020-11-28 9:02 pm
Spoken like a person totally lacking in patriotism ... You must be a Trump-conservative.
2020-11-28 8:55 pm
You could vote.. or run a better candidate.. among other things.. 
2020-11-28 8:57 pm
You could always vote him out at the next election.
2020-11-28 9:03 pm
Are you saying that for all those Americans who voted for Biden  their votes don't count?   There are only two types of Americans who believe what you are saying: the Trumpsters and the majority of Republicans.  Trump has done an excellent job in undermining the integrity of the election process. 
Use your noodle.  If what Trump says is true about election fraud then why were Republicans on the same ballot as Trump elected and he was not?  A conspiracy committed by 75 million+ voters throughout the entire country!!  Tell us in detail how such thing could be carried out. 
2020-11-28 8:56 pm
72 million people could all withhold their taxes. That might get their attention 
2020-11-28 11:57 pm
Sure, hold your breath until the mean people go away.
2020-11-28 11:37 pm
You can vote against him in 2024.

Of course, if you wanted to, you could have done that in 2020.

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