Why is PS5 still sold out? ?

2020-11-28 11:59 am
Walmart, Best Buy, Target all sold out. 

What is going on? 

I don’t want to go back to my old ways, but with this BS I might have to. 

回答 (14)

2020-12-01 5:05 pm
People kept buying them. Some gets very lucky, but a good chunk of them is probably being bought by bots who’s intention is to resell them on amazon and eBay for nearly double. You just know there’s that chump who’s willing to cough up that much because they want to hurry it up with getting it and felt it’s the cost of not wanting to deal with the nonsense of lines or waiting for online queues with the possibility of getting one in time. 
2020-11-29 1:18 am
Even if the manufacturer had been able to make as many consoles as necessary to fully meet demand, it would have been a stupid move.

Exclusivity is a powerful driver of customer demand. But far more importantly a plentiful supply would have led to major retailers demanding discounted prices in order to sell at a discount from the launch date. There’s only ever going to be a limited number of discounts as the console ages, and Sony certainly don’t want to waste a totally unnecessary shot from that particular cannon right now. It would also lose them a lot of money for no gain.

Another factor is that if everyone who wants a PS5 can get one right now, then sales will slump once they have them. Once again, retailers holding unsold stock would want to negotiate large discounts from Sony.

It’s all very well blaming scalpers for buying up the consoles and selling at a profit, but they can only do that if there are enough idiots willing to pay more than is necessary. In any case, when pre-ordering was first started it was very easy to reserve a console. Anyone complaining now about not being able to buy a PS5 normal prices had their chance and missed it.

The fact is that there are still *plentiful* supplies of the PS5. But right now it is a sellers market and the only way to get them is to make someone else a decent profit. Some gamers deliberately pre-ordered and bought two consoles because selling the spare one for twice the price meant a desperate fool with more money than sense effectively pays for the seller’s own console as well.
2020-11-28 1:28 pm
More people are buying them than are available. It is really not a difficult concept.
2021-04-11 4:33 pm
Chip shortage is the main issue.

The factory states:  They don't make enough money to supply the demand.

What little systems do come about to buy.  Are bought in milliseconds by scalper groups using premium python 3 scripts set to auto buy.  Some might be using other scripting formats.
2021-01-22 5:34 am
Bought it thats why
2021-01-21 11:57 am
Pent up demand.
2020-12-24 12:30 pm
There are people using bots to buy things. PS5 scaplers.  
2020-12-19 11:31 am
2020-12-01 9:59 pm
Pent up demand.
2020-11-30 8:16 am
demand is exceeding the amount being produced
2020-11-29 11:29 pm
It's all a marketing plow or maybe it's not? Maybe something or another?
2020-11-28 12:55 pm
Hoarding. There are reports of people buying thousands of them just to resell at higher prices.
2020-11-28 12:01 pm
Still its not available in our country. 
2020-12-20 5:26 am
Because people have nothing better to do, especially with COVID, so they waste their time and LOTS of money on Gaming. Nothing wrong with games, but now it's just ludicrous. People need to grow up and spend times with their families. Spouses, kids etc.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:05:36
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