
2020-11-26 11:48 pm

回答 (1)

2020-11-27 5:32 pm
1. A : people (conversing) with me as loudly as possible..大聲跟我"對話/講話"
2. D : asked....for (assistance) to the plane, 請求"幫助"...
3. C : ...blind is such a (dread) word ... 盲這字實在是一個"恐慌"詞
4. B : I fell ill and was (hospitalized). 病倒了被送"入醫院"
5. D : ... continued for (approximately) five minutes.  一直維持了"大約"五分鐘
6. ? : I told them they (could speak) to me directly.  能夠跟我"談話/說話/對話"
7. ? : I was (rejected) by more than forty law firms...被拒絕
8. ? : (However)
9. ? : equal-employment opportunities for the (handicap) 殘障/殘疾人士
10. ?: when a plant (manager) interviewing ...

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