Biden to forgive student debt?

2020-11-25 12:39 am
We saved and gave up a lot of things so our kids could graduate debt free.  Now we have to pay for others' kids???  WILL I GET A REFUND JOE?  As usual, Democrats punish the achievers and reward the losers...

回答 (8)

2020-11-25 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Democraps are really the party of the lazy and useless.   Nothing seems logical about them as they attempt to buy future votes.   The are not appointing John Ketchup Kerry as weather czar.  The guy who will only fly in a private jet is going to lecture us all about making sacrifices to save carbon, apparently for the ruling class to burn.  SloJoe Biden really is the most stupid man in for his 48th year of underachievement 
2020-11-25 12:50 am
Yeano. That's not what's happening, but I wouldn't expect an idiot on the right to grasp that. Let's see if I can't convert basic logic into Stupid-ese for you.

The next generation of americans behind Gen X and the Boomers are DROWNING in debt for their educations. They have been for almost 2 decades by this point, and more and more college grads are finding themselves in the same situation to this very day.

People can't afford houses and electricity and wifi, heat, power, cable, food, or kids if they're constantly funneling the majority of their money to banks that Really don't need it.

It's great that YOUR family was able to afford your child's education without debt, but for THE REST OF AMERICA they're drowning in it, because they could never, in a thousand years, afford to send their children to be educated with the jobs they have. Taking a loan for that was their only option, and chance, for their child to avoid being as poor as their parents.

I understand being salty about paying more to avoid debt, and then having that debt of other people forgiven, but you need to look BEYOND yourself. There's a bigger problem here that, luckily for you, has nothing to do with you, because you and your privileged white a*s don't have to deal with poverty.

Yes, you're going to pay more taxes, but that's Literally only because Donald Trump upset the delicate balance between the absurdly wealthy and the middle/lower classes by giving the wealthy tax breaks they didn't need, and shouldn't have. People making 400k a month can handle higher taxes. People working two minimum wage jobs need a chance to reach a point where they DON'T have to work that hard for pennies, so they can enjoy the luxury the rest of the upper middle/rich elite have had to themselves for decades at this point.

Biden's plan is also going to raise how much you're getting paid, but the alt right 'news' doesn't want you idiots to think about that. Even Wall Street is saying his plans are far, far superior to Trump's, who is still promising it'll be here in 2 weeks.
2020-11-25 12:42 am
Why should you get a refund?   You purchased something, paid for it and received what you paid for.

Quit your whining.  You did things correctly.

And if your kids went to a state school, their educations were already highly subsidized by taxpayer dollars.   So again, your sniveling is lame especially if you're actually a republican.
2020-11-25 12:40 am
And what is so wrong in helping the poor up for a change? They do make America great in learning. What do you have against supporting the homeland comrade?
2020-11-25 12:44 am
The US is falling behind all other countries and one of the reasons is the lower quality of US education.  If the US were to actually be made great again there are two things that need to be done as far as education is concerned.  Focus more resources on improving education in grades 1 through 12 (especially in traditionally Red states as they are behind others) and make post secondary (college/university) education more affordable.  Without that there is little hope that the US will be able to compete in the future on world markets.  This is the exact opposite of Trump who felt that only the rich deserved benefits and that the workers should subsidize the rich.  He also believed, as many upper echelon Republicans do, that an uneducated person is the perfect Republican.
2020-11-25 12:53 am
I see nothing wrong in doing what's right.
2020-11-25 12:43 am
America .
Should be Entitlementica .
That's Congress Anyway 
2020-11-25 12:57 am
How "generous" of him to forgive the debt incurred by some, and place it on the backs of others. It's not like he is forgiving anything owed directly to him. 
If you cannot figure out how to prepare yourself to support yourself by yourself, that should not be the financial problem of others who can. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:09:22
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