Why I think the US elections are hopeless?

2020-11-24 10:54 am
You guys in the US get a president every 4 or 8 years. I think this is a bad thing because the sitting president is more busy with things that make staying him in power than actually doing something for the people. Those terms are too short for a president to really act upon his promises and before you know it he already is busy again with elections. If I look at Russia, I see that Putin is at the helm for a pretty long time. True, that the other end of the spectrum, because elections in Russia are not that great as well, but at least there is a steady and imo a very reasonable leader, that wants to take care of his people and also wants to help other countries and even is open to serious dialogue with the US. But every time in the US they get another president, presidents like Putin again and again has to form a new relation with that president. It's hopeless. And democracy? only Democrats and Republicans? Nothing more to choose? Pffff. I am happy not to be an American if I had to choose between only those two. So now we get Joe Biden, who says Russia is the biggest threat..jeeezz, that guy still thinks it's the 60s and the 80s. Russia  is by far not that a threat anymore. Not military anyway. They only lean on their nuclear arsenal and maintain the MAD doctrine, otherwise they would be no thread to the US Military. But that's not the point. Putin often said he wanted a good relation with the US, so make that happen. Expand US presidential terms to at least 10 years.

I don't say that the methods involved how Putin remains in power are justifiable, but only that the current terms used in the United States does not give a president much time to for-fill his promises. 4 years is nothing. I don't want to talk about certain persons, Trump is weird in his way, but I think also he wants good for the country, so I keep in the middle of that. I just think that a somewhat longer term give the president more breathing space to implement his/her promises.


@Herbert: My 'backward' country, The Netherlands, helped your 'backward' engineers recovering after the devastating flooding after Katrina in 2005 in New Orleans and later also in New York. Also my little country is the THIRD largest investor in your country and my 'backward' little country is 2nd (after the US) in regards to food production and exportation. And we, don't have overcrowded prisons and a solid social system so nobody has to live on the street. Think about it.

回答 (4)

2020-11-24 10:56 am
If we get an awful president like Trump, ten years is WAY too long to put up with him.
2020-11-24 10:57 am
No. Stay in your third-world country and keep your idiotic third-world ideas to yourself. 
2020-11-24 10:57 am
Until the 2018 election, Putin was subject to 4 year terms too. He didn't have to occupy himself with electioneering because he just poisoned his opponents. I'm sorry it's so inconvenient that your dictator has to form a new relationship with an American leader periodically. 

By the way, I got news for you: There is no country that is a "military threat" to the United States. That doesn't mean that country can't be a geostrategic threat. 
2020-11-24 11:27 am
The Twenty-second Amendment had the changes to make the president can only serve two terms provided that they do not serve as accident president for more then 2 years, then they can only be elected in their own outright once. Once upon a time, it was unlimited the president could serve as long as he wanted to. But most presidents prior to the changes to the Twenty-second Amendment, that lived to serve 2 terms retired after the second term. George Washington was not only the first president, but was also the first one to retire after two terms. Plus even if he had started a third term, he still might not have lived to complete it, as he died 2 years after leaving office. The only man that served longer than 2 terms was Franklin Roosevelt, as he was elected 4 times a president. And he died at the beginning of his 4th term, which was 12 years had he completed the 4th term, he would have been president for 16 years. And I am sure that they will not make changes where they delete the changes to the  Twenty-second Amendment, so that a president can serve as many terms as she or he want. In other countries a person could rule the country for life, like the Queen of England, she is in that job until she dies. She is not going to decide one day, "I have done this job long enough, I am going to retire so that way Prince Charles can take over". And what I had said about presidents before the  Twenty-second Amendment changes, that limits the term of President of the United States that is renewable once in less you were born prior to the change that lints the term, this has been the law since before you were born. Some of the earlier president were not either a Democrat and Republican. And a few presidents were a Democrat- Republican, the two parties didn't split up until later. There are other independent parties that puts candidates up for election, but they are not going to win, as the President will either be a Democrat or a Republican. Look at Joe Biden he is now 78 years old, so there is no telling right now if he will leave to serve 2 terms if he does get re-elected as President of the United States. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:07:09
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