You agree that Trump should concede to Biden... ?

2020-11-23 6:53 am
even there are some questionable states's voting error??

回答 (8)

2020-11-23 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
There aren't any questionable results.

Biden won the most secure election in this nation's history.
2020-11-23 6:59 am
No, he won in a landslide. Why should he concede?
2020-11-23 6:56 am
Claims of massive wrongdoing but zero evidence . . .
   Lemme guess, you're a Trumpster?
2020-11-23 10:20 am
That is the way its always been done, the loser concedes to the winner.
2020-11-23 7:19 am
Trump has lost. Thats not in doubt. By not conceding, he's just embarassing himself and those who support him. 
2020-11-23 6:54 am
They should both concede to Bernie sanders
2020-11-23 10:33 am
Yes, Chump should concede, there will always be “questionable” errors. Chump’s team keeps  bringing cases, loses. At some point, you admit the horse is dead, there is no point in kicking it further.
2020-11-23 8:38 am
I think Biden should concede there is no way he can make it to 270 votes without people lying.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:42:17
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