約定的回憶 翻成英文 Memories of The Agreed 這樣有正確嗎 或者曾約定的回憶 我去查的詞 翻譯過來都是一些承諾過之類的翻譯 比較喜歡約定 或者曾約定 不過翻成英文意思有限 無法達到想要的 我本身也不會英文 所以不太懂?

2020-11-22 1:09 pm

回答 (5)

2020-12-02 10:55 am
Memories of commitment.
你用Memories of The Agreed其中The Agreed用过去分詞不妥,用名詞agreement又太正式,主要用在合約,另compromise 是一種協商妥協,又不太適合
2020-11-22 3:49 pm
中文已不知所謂,硬譯可能是uncompromised memories 
2020-11-22 5:27 pm
約定同意妥協的回憶日..........以達到(--)想要的现今20 marks.........
No compromised,
No at a fixed time
No concensus with
And no Memories of The Agreed.
reminisce--to talk pleasantly about the past
reminiscent,adj,eg:-The date is reminiscent of the engagement we trusted.
Answer.suggested:------eg:- Reminiscent of an engagement.
2020-12-21 3:37 am
我猜測這又是尋求【煽情】的 tear-jerker 的大作:

Memories of [our] [mutual] pledges ..

The burning memories of the commitments we made toward each other ..


The fading memories of promises made yet not kept ..
2020-11-26 1:37 am

Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA) 
= 協議備忘錄


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