Should Trump stop dictating the economic policy while he is transitioning put of the office ?

2020-11-22 8:32 am
Mnuchen is attempting to freeze the Fed's actions to control keep interest rates low and Federal spending high against Powell's recommendations ahead of the biden presidency . Shouldn't there be strong pushback n as money supply is needed to combat the pandemic and help the struggling economy .

回答 (3)

2020-11-22 8:40 am
Biden won't be president till Jan 20 if ever .
2020-11-22 8:37 am
Mnuchin is doing what the law passed by Congress requires him to do. Doh, ya know?
Try catching up on that whole "nation of laws" thang, why don'tcha, hon.
2020-11-22 8:35 am
Munchen was you trying to say?  AKA  Munich?, anyway if I want to know what the latest rumours are i can find out for myself dypshyte,  what was your question again?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:10:58
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