What does it mean when a girl asks you out for coffee?

2020-11-21 4:47 am
Several days ago, I spoke with a beautiful girl I knew while in high school. I haven't seen her 14 years. We started talking on Facebook messenger, and told each other about ourselves. We spoke for a good 2 hours and 30 minutes. She then asked me If I wanted to go out for coffee and gave me her number. I told her id call her when I was able to do so. What does this mean? I am almost 33 years old and haven't had a girl ask me out for coffee before. Is she doing it for a date, to talk or to catch up? Can someone give me advice?

回答 (5)

2020-11-21 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
She enjoyed talking to you .  She wants to see more of you in a casual setting .  See how it goes and maybe it will turn into more or not .
2020-11-21 6:37 am
"a date, to talk or to catch up"

She's is wondering exactly the same thing and spending some time chatting over coffee is a good way for the two of you get a better idea of each other. 
2020-11-21 5:14 am
  In that time you were talking did you find out if she was dating or seeing anyone?  If so, she's just wanting to catch up.
  If she isn't seeing someone, yes, odds are it's a get-to-know-again you date.  Take a little risk here.  Even if she says, no, don't lose your cool and know that at least you took a shot rather than continuing to wonder about it.
  btw, if it has been several days since she asked you out, call her tonight and at least set something up for the future - don't make her wait, it's not good form.
2021-01-22 4:38 am
She is interested in whether or not you're still racist based on your questions on Yahoo Q/A  Do I beleive no "girl" has ever asked you out to coffee?  Yes, I sure do!
2020-11-21 7:42 am
I guess maybe a date? 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:09:45
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