我想問我三十幾年前十幾歲犯過偷野一事  但我當時好似沒有留案底 如果我現在想申請保安咭可以嗎  如果當時有案底這是屬於什麼罪  是不是型事案  如果咁又可不可以申請到保安咭?

2020-11-21 12:10 am

回答 (1)

2020-11-21 2:45 am
A criminal record can be generated only if the person has been convicted by the Court. So if no court proceeding, no criminal record

Theft is a criminal offense.

You should be able to apply for the card, providing that you disclose the incident (Just because you don't have a criminal record, it does not mean you have never been arrested).

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:19:33
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