Do you prefer silence or listening to music when you're driving?

2020-11-20 8:19 pm
My mother prefers silence when she is driving. She finds music distracting when she is driving. I don't drive but I wouldn't listen to music in my car if I could drive. I'd prefer to avoid distractions.

回答 (12)

2020-11-20 8:40 pm
Most often I listen to a podcast.

Sometimes I listen to talk radio.

Not as often I listen to music.

And at times when I have a lot to think about I drive in silence.
2020-11-20 8:27 pm
I almost always listen to the radio when I drive.  I use Sirius XM commercial free music.  I have eclectic tastes, and listen to many different types of music, from opera to rock.
2020-11-20 9:02 pm
Driving a vehicle is serious. It's a 3000 pound object that can kill. It's best to pay attention and not listen to anything but the road.
2020-11-20 8:35 pm
I always listen to either music or a podcast when I am driving, because I enjoy them. The only time I do not listen to music while driving is if I am extremely upset about something and am crying.
2020-11-20 8:21 pm
I listen to news radio for traffic reports.  
2020-11-20 9:17 pm
It depends on the mood I am in.
2020-11-21 9:16 am
I normally listen to the radio, saves thinking about selecting music.
Simetimes I like to hear the sound of my car which is rather loud and distinctive.
2020-11-20 11:52 pm
I don't drive          
2020-11-20 10:59 pm
It depends on where I'm going, what I'm doing, and who's in the car with me 
2020-11-20 8:54 pm
same for me, i've been driving for a short time and i don't feel safe with the music that distract me, or cover the other noises.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:11:21
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