Why is Trump pulling our troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq  n his last days in the Presidency and for what purpose ? ?

2020-11-19 12:54 pm

回答 (7)

2020-11-19 1:01 pm
Putin told him to.
2020-11-19 1:04 pm
That's his departing favor to his boss, Mr. Putin.  In return, Putin will allow the Trump klan to take up residence in Russia before they're all indicted.
2020-11-19 12:58 pm
He's a stable genius and knows what the problem is but can't prove it . 
2020-11-19 1:48 pm
He wants to let a ' good ' memory to his worshipers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2020-11-19 1:03 pm
To make it as hard as possible for Biden.

Trump is a disgrace and a nuisance.
2020-11-20 4:04 am
He is reckless and trying to futher weaken Nato and it's a parting gift to Putin and Erdogan .
2020-11-19 1:00 pm
It’s an endless war, why waste

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