Do think the Cowboys players are giving up to make backup White quarterback look bad till Dak Prescott comes back.?

2020-11-19 7:37 am

回答 (19)

2020-11-19 9:23 pm
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No, the Cowboys are a team that gets overhyped by the media every year.  They're not as good as their reputation.  On top of that, they replaced a mediocre coach (Garrett) with a bad coach (McCarthy).  

Prescott is, IMHO, and overrated QB, but he's definitely at least decent.  So the dropoff from that to the utter garbage the Cowboys have been playing with makes it more profound.
2020-11-19 7:38 am
No, I think the Cowboys are just a terrible team. As a Houston Texans fan I'm legally required to hate the Cowboys. 
2020-11-21 11:22 am
I hope not but it's not out of the realm these days. Let's see how many cowboys retire healthy wealthy next year or two.
I realize the finger pointed to conspiracy nut. Still..stranger things, right?
I truly hope not, tho.
2020-11-19 9:03 pm
I do not think so.....
2020-11-19 9:13 am
If that's what was happening, what was the defense's excuse when Prescott was healthy?
2020-11-23 1:10 pm
Oh yea when is he coming back
2020-11-23 10:39 am
Considering they just won a game against the Vikings and lead the NFC East, no. 
2020-11-23 6:34 am
2020-11-23 2:22 am
Don't put any money behnd that theory.
2020-11-22 4:37 pm
no , who wants get fired because they dont perform , 
2020-11-22 12:46 pm
No, they are not giving up.
2020-11-22 5:36 am
Dallas Cowboys don't need any help looking bad, they already suck.
2020-11-21 8:07 am
I don’t. I believe they’re too worried about their own agenda.
2020-11-21 2:05 am
They were losing before Prescott got hurt, no difference 
2020-11-21 1:36 am
They have a -96 PF/PA statistic.
2020-11-20 8:00 am
No, they just areb't very good without Prescott.
2020-11-20 12:29 am
Uh, no. It was Gilbert who had the headlights in his eyes when they unexpectedly had a shot to win late against the steelers. Just take the sack! what was he thinking?
2020-11-19 8:46 am
They weren't that great even with Dak, they can try their hardest with him and they'll get nowhere. The biggest problem I see is defensively they've been a sieve.  Doesn't necessarily matter how many points you score if you can't stop opposing teams from scoring as much or more points as you.
2020-11-19 8:17 am
Comes back for what, another tag? He was done before he got hurt.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:06:21
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