Why catholic church donate so much money ?

2020-11-18 8:28 am
to support the needy?? e.g. 
The Economist Estimates the Catholic Church Spent $171,600,000,000 in 2010
 AUGUST 17, 2012
The Economist has attempted to paint a picture of what the Catholic Church’s finances look like, especially in light of the sexual abuse scandals. I’ll admit it. I may have salivated a bit at this paragraph:

By studying court documents in bankruptcy cases, examining public records, requesting documents from local, state and federal governments, as well as talking to priests and bishops confidentially, The Economist has sought to quantify the damage.
They estimate that the church spends about $171,600,000,000 a year. Not a  typo

回答 (8)

2020-11-21 3:11 pm
The catholic charities will show the depth of the church's support for the needy off this world. 
2020-11-18 2:48 pm
 donation is a part live of Christians
2020-11-18 6:28 pm
Estimates are false!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Research shows money stays almost entirely within the church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does the Vatican have the huge underground vaults crammed with gold, silver, gems, art and other valuables and huge investments that amount to more than the entire wealth of America all gained at the expense of the poor and none of it going to any charitable cause to alleviate suffering or even being spent on evangelism – just hoarded!
2020-11-18 12:36 pm
You do understand what an estimate is and that it is "total" expenditures such as operating costs, pay and benefits  along with the many settlements for child molestations which they write off as a "business expense".
2020-11-18 10:01 am
They have only one agenda..world domination, saving souls is merely a smokescreen..
2020-11-18 8:54 am
As usual, DECEPTION!

Got to keep up that FRONT!

That's just a drop in the bucket, for all the Vatican is worth.

Fort Knox is more like it!

You ought to see a 'service' when they eat His body and drink His blood.


"Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:23).

They ought to give more away and start praying (Acts 1:14).
2020-11-18 8:31 am
I'm pretty sure if the Economist article said that it also either expressly or implicitly stated why it spends that amount.
2020-11-18 9:10 am
So you are saying the church spends $171 billion a year - on what exactly are they spending this on.  Lawsuits, protecting priests, what?  Not on charity clearly.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:17:50
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