請問為何有數學老師說 電視少看 網路裡很多釣魚 少去看 是說有很多陷阱? 為何?

2020-11-17 3:21 am

回答 (2)

2020-11-17 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Why watch less TV?

Because you want to be someone who doesn't know what's the news going on in the world.

If you want to do everything, you have to watch more TVB TW news per day.

But be able to tell which is true and what is false. If it's stupid enough distinguish between  to be true or false, you're going to kill yourself!

2. Why is there a lot of fishing in the network?
"Fishing" means fishing around for GF for compliment. There are so many fools-GF in the world. Separating an idiot-GF from his/her money is a fishing trick that many fishers as an illegal job are willing to fish on."you" A stupid person is a stupid teacher who only reads bookworm-books.
2020-11-17 8:48 am

1. 為何要少看電視?
但是要能夠辨別 哪些是真的 哪些是假的.要是笨到真假不分,就要燒掉電視了.

2. 為何網路裡面很多釣魚?

3. 為何少去看網路?
但是要能夠辨別 哪些是真的 哪些是假的.要是笨到真假不分,就要燒掉網路了.

4. 為何友會有數學老師向你說這些?
因為 數學老師 認為你們 沒有能力 分別是非.
簡單說就是 這位數學老師認為你們

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