GA people, Trump said your recount is a Scam. Is it?

2020-11-16 5:03 pm
I hope someone that was involved with the laborious task of hand counting millions of ballots would like to share their thoughts. But anyone from there can chime in. Your illustrious leader has badmouthed you. I'm sorry that TX voted for him, but over 5 Million voted against him.

回答 (3)

2020-11-16 5:03 pm
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The only scam here is Trump himself.
2020-11-16 11:33 pm
Recounts seldom find much. You need a thorough audit instead.

If you just recount all the fraudulent votes you will get the same answer as before.
2020-11-16 5:06 pm
Blein-Kampfler (Trumpler) thinks he can never lose because he is an arrogant white man.  Nazi see, Nazi do

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