Why do people (usually the left) keep falsely claiming that the USA is a democracy? The US gov website says we’re a Constitutional Republic?

2020-11-16 4:23 pm
We are not a “democracy”, we are a “Constitutional Republic”. It’s very important that people learn the difference. See the USA government link, from the US embassy website, explaining this:


The government article (linked above and below) DIRECTLY states the following paragraph: 

“While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. What does this mean? “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution which is the supreme law of the United States. The Constitution not only provides the framework for how the federal and state governments are structured, but also places significant limits on their powers. “Federal” means that there is both a national government and governments of the 50 states. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.”

The US government article continues:

“What makes U.S. government uniquely American…its Constitution, the separation of powers, the concept of “checks and balances,” the decentralized roles of state and local governments ...” 

Democracy, on the other hand, is almost mob rule. The 51% can vote to steal from, or kill, the 49%. They can legislate any laws they want, as long as they have the votes. A Constitutional Republic does not allow this, because it prioritizes constitutional rights

You can come to your own conclusions as to why 1 particular political party wants to keep repeating “The Big Lie” that we are a democracy, instead of a republic. One would assume it’s because they want people to forget about the importance and the absolute requirement of us retaining our Constitutional, inalienable human individual rights 

回答 (9)

2020-11-16 4:29 pm
The word "democracy" doesn't really mean anything. It doesn't define some specific structure of government. It's just a very general word to describe people participating in government. 

A true government of the people has never existed and is logistically impossible. 
2020-11-16 4:27 pm
True, but you’re going down a rabbit hole.
2020-11-16 4:58 pm
Despite your extensive research --you've never heard of a democratic Republic ?
2020-11-28 7:27 am
You look like a white supramacist, hillbilly 
2020-11-16 5:02 pm
1: government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

A "constitutional republic" is a type of democracy.

It is by no means an "either/or" thing.

The term is used in that article as if always and only means one thing - otherwise called a "direct democracy."  It doesn't, and every person who repeats this ridiculous claim is simply wrong.
2020-12-01 2:19 am
Just be honest. Are you a white supremacist? 
2020-11-22 10:59 pm
Oh, don't you just LOVE these armchair politicians, sitting there in their squalid little pits, frothing at the mouth with rage at how bad their lives have turned out. They post garbage on here because no one listens to them in their lives... if they had friends, colleagues, family, they could stand for office, get elected, maybe become a governor... anything! But no one listens to them... they have no friends, or colleagues or family. They're just lazy, greasy, inadequate, fat blobs that sit in their mothers basements, with their sex lives represented by a pile of porn under their bed..... hilarious, isn't it!!??   Get back to Mommy, Ana, because we don't care!! BYE!
2021-02-15 8:04 pm
You are misunderstanding political structures. 

"Democracy" is not a formal governmental structure and never has been. It is the general acceptance that government by the rule of the majority of public will is a good thing. 

The point is that without democracy, there is no fair and equitable representation in government.

There are many democracies in the world with differing political structures: for example, the UK is a constitutional monarchy and also a democracy, India is a constitutional parliamentary republic and also a democracy.  

The USA is simply yet another interpretation of this. A constitutional republic democracy and ALSO a democracy. 
2020-11-16 7:27 pm
This is a petty matter of nomenclature.  America was based off of the Aristotelian model of classical republicanism, and Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence.  That's it.  Cultural Marxists like skeptic just want to justify expanding voting rights to 16-year-olds, illegal aliens, terrorists and murderers voting from jail cells, and otherwise laughable expansions to "erase class oppression".  They're just clownish ideologues or mentally ill.  That's the only reason they could possibly think their advocacy is for a beneficial cause.  One could argue that republicanism is democratic, therefore a democracy, or a reactionary such as yourself could argue it is a bulwark against majoritarianism, which is undemocratic, and not a democracy.  These arguments are ultimately pointless.  Efficiency of the system, not only the moral aspect, but more importantly if it is sustainable and sane, are far more important discussions to be made on these questions than petty nomenclature.  I believe your heart is in the right place, but not your aims.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:05:46
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