Honestly, isn't blaming Trump for coronavirus deaths the most dishonest, cowardly, and sneaky political tactic ever?

2020-11-16 8:44 am
1) Trump can’t possibly be blamed for a microscopic virus that was released by a lab in China. That’s absurd. 

2) People all over the world are dying from it, not just people in America. The death tolls reflect obesity rates and population density- they have almost nothing to do with “political mobilization” etc. The fact is, Americans are fat and often smoke. Same reason Italians also died a lot. Americans also densely populate cities, so the transmission is naturally high. 

3) if you think about it, it honestly seems like Democrats and China planned this. The virus was released FROM A LAB, DURING AN ELECTION YEAR, and to top it all off, DEMOCRATS ENSURED THE VIRUS CAME HERE BCUZ THEY AGGRESSIVELY CALLED TRUMP RACIST WHEN HE WANTED TO HALT FLIGHTS FROM CHINA. (So under pressure, Trump relented.) Then when the infected Chinese came here, Democrats POUNCED. 

4) Meanwhile due to this, what will the result be? Well, China will become the world’s dominant superpower and America will be subservient to them because some idiots here voted for Biden because they IDIOTICALLY blame Trump for the virus. Which again, is absolutely insane and devoid of any logical intelligent thought. (Voter fraud also played a small part in Trump losing, but wasn’t the main reason. The main reason was the virus propaganda.) 

Note- I’m not “denying the virus”. I’m not saying it’s not a bad virus. I’m simply pointing out the ABSURDITY and IDIOCY of trying to somehow blame Trump for the virus

Note #2: I’m not saying people need to agree with Trump in social issues like abortion, or Supreme Court justices. However, handing our country’s future over to China was a seriously traitor move by American democrats and democrat voters. It was absolutely deadly to our country’s future. It will hurt everyone, including democrats. 


Anyone with common sense can see that Joe and Hunter Biden are absolutely COMPROMISED. They have been bought, paid for, and blackmailed by China. There was evidence  on the laptop of Hunter having sex with what looked like an underage Chinese girl (not even joking). Imagine the level of dirt- and pull- they now have on the Biden family? They own them. And now, they own US

回答 (13)

2020-11-16 8:46 am
They're not blaming him for the virus itself.  They're blaming him for how poorly he handled it.  It was complete incompetence.  FFS Trump was ridiculing Biden for wearing a mask and then got Covid himself.
2020-11-16 8:46 am
No. The most dishonest, cowardly, and sneaky political tactic ever is blaming Obama for the Bush recession.
2020-11-16 8:49 am
Yes and no.

This virus was almost certainly going to be a big deal no matter who was President.  But there are UNDENIABLY a raft of mistakes Trump made in dealing with it.  The inability to communicate, no testing plan, no contact tracing plan, not doing enough to protect vulnerable populations, national lockdowns without making people whole by compensating for salary, flaunting mask and social distancing and encouraging his followers to do the same....

Trump definitely failed in his response to all of this.  Now, do I believe that Hillary or Biden would have done ALOT better?  No, not really.  But I do believe they'd have done at least SOMEWHAT better.  At a minimum they would have communciated better and wouldn't have actively encouraged people to ignore basic advice like masks and social distancing.  And that might have made a difference.
2020-11-16 8:46 am
Trump's handling of the coronavirus threat has been and continues to be abysmal.  His incompetent actions, including downplaying the seriousness and ridiculing preventive methods,  are almost criminal. 
2020-11-16 8:49 am
Trump knew how deadly the virus was and lied about it.
He has spent thg he past 8 months telling Americans to take no precautions while holding superspreader parties all over eff the country.
He has withheld needed PPE and other critical medical supplies over petulant, childish personal grievances.
He said that 240,000 deaths affected "nobody."
He is solely responsible for the death toll and economic collapse of this country.
2020-11-16 8:47 am
So why did he down play it and lie about it so much?
Why did he continually hold superspreader events that are estimated to have infected thousands and will likely lead to the deaths of around 700 people. 
Trump is like a sneaky Jim Jones. 
His Cult must sacrifice themselves for him. 
2020-11-16 8:46 am
China did a better job than Trump containing the epidemic.
Ponder that for a second.
2020-11-16 10:33 am
1)  It wasn't released by a lab in China. That’s absurd.

2) People are not dying from it in New Zealand or in China, because they did what Trump should have done.

The death tolls reflect keeping too much open and not wearing masks.  Although population density played a role early on, the transmission in the last several months in the U.S. has been higher in the less densely populated areas.

3) The first cases were in 2019, not during the election year.  It did not come here on flights from China.  It came here on cruise ships and on flights from Europe.

4) Voter fraud also played a small part in Trump not losing by more, because the little fraud that did occur was mostly or all votes for him.
2020-11-16 8:50 am
People are blaming Trump for his response to the virus, not the existence of the virus itself. You know this, but you tried to obscure that fact. Why are you so dishonest?
2020-11-16 8:45 am
No one is blaming Mr. Trump.
2020-11-16 9:19 am
Nope because Trump downplayed the severity of the virus!
2020-11-16 9:17 am
Blaming any man for the coronavirus is just political bull crap coronavirus is all over the world how does Donald Trump have any responsibility for the coronavirus in China or for the coronavirus down in South America or for the coronavirus in Africa he doesn't like I said it's political nonsense
2020-11-16 8:55 am
There's so much wrong with your post that I haven't the time to address it all. Suffice to say, you should just go back to whatever right-wing nutter site it is that you get your "information" from and stay there. Have fun with your delusions and willful ignorance. They seem to suit you.

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