Why do some people continue to humiliate themselves by still flying the Trump flag and having Trump signs in their yard?

2020-11-16 1:54 am

回答 (5)

2020-11-16 1:57 am
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I live in a state where there are few Trump supporters. The only one I know is my next door neighbor. He still has his Trump flag up. Based on his behavior in the past seven years of living next to him, I doubt he knows what humiliation even is. He's a jackass, and he likes being one.
2020-11-16 1:58 am
Most of this is just defiance and meanness against the bulk of this nation. A refusing to include all Americans. None of what they are doing is good for America. The reason so many believe it was rigged is because the rigging done was on the part of the Trump administration and they have no idea how we got pass their fraud. America won with Biden by the voters. The mail in may become the norm. They cannot swallow that. But continue to swallow Trumps dribbling.
2020-11-16 1:56 am
There are always dead enders no matter who wins the election. 
Trump just has a very big cult member list. 
2020-11-16 2:29 am
Because you’re judgmental 
2020-11-16 1:56 am
We’re not going away. And we tend to be armed. Better figure out a way to live with us.

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