how to write in English for $123,456. Thanks !?

2020-11-15 10:53 pm

回答 (10)

2020-11-17 4:50 pm
One hundred twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-six dollars.
2020-11-15 10:59 pm
One hundred twenty three thousand and four hundred fifty six dollars.
2020-12-15 5:28 pm
We can write it as
one hundred twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-six dollars
one hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six dollars.

“AND” shouldnt be put it between thousand and four.
2020-12-02 3:38 pm
One hundred twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-six dollars only
2020-11-24 2:43 pm
One hundred twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-six dollars only.
2020-11-22 10:20 pm
One hundred twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six dollars only.      

參考: One hundred twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six dollars only.
2020-11-20 5:11 pm
One hundred twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-six dollars only
2020-11-18 11:47 am
One hundred twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-six dollars only
2020-11-16 9:12 am
one hundred twenty three thousand and four hundred fifty six 
2020-11-16 6:58 am
One Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand Four Hundred Fifty-Six and 00/100.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:18:59
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