why did my yahoo question get deleted?

2020-11-15 7:20 pm

回答 (10)

2020-11-15 8:26 pm
Just looked at your posting history and I am surprised that more of your posts haven't been deleted.   This isn't a chat site.
2020-11-15 7:51 pm
Judging by everything else you post it was probably another chat violation like most of what you post.
2020-11-16 11:51 pm
Posts are removed when enough users report them as violations (there is NO specific # of reports required to get a post removed, it varies). You can post again here and ask "Was this question a violation" and include the exact text of the question, including any updates, URLs, or images associated with it, and the users here will tell you if it appears to be a violation or not. If not, you have 7 days to appeal to have it reinstated.  
2020-11-20 12:56 pm
Your question was likely deleted as a potential violation of the Community Guidelines.  You didn't share what the question was exactly, so I couldn't tell you the specifics of the violation.  It's equally possible that your question was not a violation at all, but was reported by someone who for whatever reason, did not like it, or was trolling.  You have the right to appeal the removal, but there is a chance it may not be restored, even if it is not a violation.  You must contact Yahoo! directly to appeal.

Here are the Y!A Community Guidelines:

Here is where to go to appeal a potential violation:
2020-11-16 3:17 am
It was a violation of the rules. If you want to know the reason for the violation, post "Why was this question (answer) a violation?" and add any details you remember so the users can see the exact context. The experienced users here will explain it to you. Many times the violation is not in the question but in the added details and updates. Looking at your profile, you are using YA as if it was Facebook. This is not a chat site and questions like "You fave" are violations of the rules.
2020-11-16 2:53 am
what was the question?
2021-02-10 9:12 am
Police stop you at checkpoint to check if you’re chipped (aka vaccinated)

Police check the car; let's say 4 people car but signal only from 3; so, police stop it to chip the notyetchipped; signal from 4 now and police let the car go. This is prophecy by saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov. Notice police chip (aka vaccinate) people at gun point in Africa; so, no more "it's not gonna happen here" 'cuz it will soon enough, capisce?

Police do it on highways or when you leave your city... basically, you can't leave your city unless you're vaccinated; but vaccine = mark of the beast; so, escape now while your city doesn't have these rules; forgive me.

Gov't sprays chemtrails so that people feel symptoms of flu

5G will kill vaccinated; just read Georgia Guidestones' commandment of 500 million max population on earth; it fits with Orthodox Christian prophecy of 7 percent of people left

Russian Orthodox prophecy also says that there will be unbearable stench in winter. So, there you go. Russian winters are cold. So, they must have died from the new disease that doesn't have a name 'cuz it's caused by 5G.

martial law; Constitution was suspended; New World Order

read Book of Revelation; Chapters 13 and 14, please

chipped people will be influenced by super computers to receive World Passport (grey plastic card with no name on it), but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays

If you escape mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors go to permanent heaven

how to escape it? by hiding within a small group (10 - 15 people according to saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov); no documents; no electronics

Project Pogo = Alex Jones, QAnon, Adam Green, etc. videos are put out so that gov't tracks who watches them. (Project Zyphr annihilates people who watch these videos). Drone with scopolamine will drill a hole in your window at 4 am. Once gassed, you will come out to the police van (waiting for you outside) yourself; you will be taken to underground camp to be tortured for adrenochrome. The rest of the people will be secretly (or even openly) chipped when they sign up for food in closed stores

AI (artificial intelligence aka demons) will post on your social media as if it were you doing it while you're on vacation; it will even make phone calls on behalf of you; no one will notice that you're missing in action.
參考: According to the Last Prophet (aka incarnated ARCHANGEL URIEL aka saint healer VYACHESLAV KRASHENINNIKOV) if the last descendant rejects mark of the beast, then his/her direct ancestors go to permanent heaven. To reject mark of the beast, one needs to hide within a 10-15 people group without electronics/documents. Documents are from Satan; burn them. Electronics can be used to track you and to show the antichrist (even on old broken unplugged TV set from 1970's using Tesla’s ether); reject all vaccines, tests, temperature scans, etc.; forgive me.
2020-11-15 7:54 pm
Most Likely Due to a Violation of the Yahoo Answers Community Guidelines

Check the Rule Book to see what you may have Done wrong if After Reading you find you did nothing
Wrong then Appeal use the Alternative Appeal Form

If you got a Violation Email Notice dont use the Link from the Message that one is not working
Correctly you will get a Error message saying it did not come from your Account

To Appeal go here


If you tell us a Brief Description of what the Question was we may be able to Tell you why it got Deleted 
2020-11-16 9:02 am
Some can’t deal with reality.
2020-11-16 3:52 am
Because that is what happens on here, people are easily offended by the most petty things, then questions & answers get deleted because there were too many "thin skinned" people who reported them.
Sometimes you get lucky, other times you don't.

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